Bistro NOHGA - NOHGA HOTEL 온라인 예약

Bistro NOHGA is an all-day dining restaurant open from morning to dinner, offering food that will energize your day.
With a focus on ingredients from the region, we offer a variety of contemporary cuisine with a special attention to detail, prepared in as natural a way as possible, with the producer's face visible, with surprises and excitement.
In addition to actively utilizing seasonal ingredients that reflect the four seasons of Japan, we also offer a wide selection of wines and sake that go well with our meals.
Please enjoy delicious food that pleases both body and soul according to your taste.

Please check our website for separate days with different business hours.

We would like to inform you that starting April 1, 2023, Bistro NOHGA will charge a 10% service fee of the food and beverage bill for dinner time.

We appreciate your understanding and thank you for your continued patronage of Bistro NOHGA.

<red>[For customers with reservations]</red
▶Even if online reservations are fully booked, we may be able to seat you, so please call the restaurant.
▶We may not be able to meet your request for seat selection.
▶The restaurant is a non-smoking establishment.
▶Please call us if you wish to make a reservation for more than 7 persons.
▶Online-only plans cannot be combined with other offers or discounts.
▶If you have any allergies or food allergies, please indicate them in the “Request” column.
▶Sofa seating is available at low tables.
▶Menu items and prices are subject to change.
▶Please understand that your reservation may be automatically cancelled if you are more than 30 minutes late without prior notice.
12세 이하
5세 이하


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