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Reservasi Saya
Pesan di NAMIKI667 - Hyatt Centric Ginza Tokyo
Pesan dari Penjual
【Seating Information】
* The service will be available on a 2-hour basis from the time of reservation.
* The length of stay varies depending on the plan.
* Depending on the time of reservation, the staying time may be shortened. Please make a reservation after confirming the business hours.
Dengan ini saya mengkonfirmasi bahwa saya telah membaca Pesan dari Penjual seperti tersebut di atas
-- Pilih Waktu --
-- Ukuran Pesta --
Bar & Lounge
Waktu yang Anda pilih tidak tersedia. Silakan ubah pilihan Anda.
Termasuk satu hidangan yang direkomendasikan oleh chef! 4 hidangan dengan pilihan makanan pembuka, hidangan utama, dan hidangan penutup (harga khusus)
We have prepared a total of 6 lunch courses where you can choose from several types of appetizers, main dishes, and desserts. Enjoy NAMIKI667's most popular course in an open space.
¥ 6.200
(Termasuk layanan & pajak)
Termasuk satu hidangan yang direkomendasikan oleh chef! 4 hidangan dengan pilihan makanan pembuka, hidangan utama, dan hidangan penutup (harga khusus)
We have prepared a total of 6 lunch courses where you can choose from several types of appetizers, main dishes, and desserts. Enjoy NAMIKI667's most popular course in an open space.
※Contoh menu ※Harap beri tahu kami jika Anda memiliki alergi makanan. ※Menu dapat berubah tergantung pada ketersediaan bahan. ※Gambar hanya untuk tujuan ilustrasi. ※Menu di bawah ini akan tersedia mulai Jumat, 6 September. ※Menu di bawah ini akan tersedia hingga akhir November. Bahasa Indonesia: ■ Makanan Pembuka ・Salad hijau quinoa dan alpukat dengan saus jahe ・Terong Jepang, Terong Tartar, Tahu, Miso Manis Edo, Aioli Vegan, Keju Vegan ・Baba Ghanoush, Miso Manis Edo, Aioli Vegan, Iburigakko, Myoga, Kaviar Zaitun ・Kerang, Mousse Kerang, Peterseli Jepang, Ginkgo, Saus Kubis, Garam Kelp Mentega ・Mousse Hati, Leek Etuvee, Jeruk Karamel, Pain d'epice ■Hidangan Ikan ・Ikan Pedang Meuniere, Saus Mentega Nduja, Lobak, Salsa Verde ・Belut Conger Dibungkus Kadaif, Krim Dashi, Burdock Karamel, Sayuran Musiman, Bumbu Lada Hitam Segar ■Hidangan Daging ・Oita Prefektur Crown Jidori Chicken Roll, Couscous, Bumbu Musiman Sayuran, Tonburi Vinaigrette ・Kanagawa Tanzawa Atsugi Momocha Babi, Kerang, Lantille, Kompot Apel, Gaya Normandia ・Daging Tenderloin Sapi Jepang, Haluskan Akar Seledri, Acar, Ubi Jalar Dauphinois, Jus Wagyu, Choux Gaya Vol-au-vent (+1.540) ・Daging Sapi Bulat Akigawa, Haluskan Akar Seledri, Acar, Ubi Jalar Dauphinois, Pai, Saus Jamur Morel (+1.980) ・Daging Sapi Striploin Akigawa, Haluskan Akar Seledri, Acar, Ubi Jalar Dauphinois, Pai, Saus Jamur Morel (+3.300) ■Makanan Penutup ・Basque Burnt Cheesecake, Buah Musiman ・Milk Brew Panna Cotta ・Churro, Saus Cokelat Organik, Es Krim Vanila ・Vegan Creme Brulee, Pir, Vanili Organik (+220) ・Kastanye Jepang Mont Blanc(+330) ■Kopi atau teh
Cetak Bagus
* Cannot be combined with other benefits, discounts, or various accommodation packages.
* Seat selection may not be possible according to your request.
* All seats, including terrace seats, are non-smoking. Please smoke in the designated area.
* Photos of dishes, seats, options, etc. are for illustrative purposes only.
* Information and information provided may change at the request of the city.
Berlaku Sampai
06 Sep ~
Sn, Sl, R, K, J
Makan Siang, Teh
Limit Pemesanan
2 ~ 4
Kategori Tempat Duduk
Baca Lebih Lanjut
[Popularitas No. 1 / terbatas 5 kursi per hari] Anda dapat memilih dari makanan pembuka hingga makanan penutup! Total 4 menu makan siang yang memuaskan
We have prepared a total of 6 lunch courses where you can choose from several types of appetizers, soups, main dishes, and desserts. Enjoy NAMIKI667's most popular course in an open space.
¥ 5.200
(Termasuk layanan & pajak)
[Popularitas No. 1 / terbatas 5 kursi per hari] Anda dapat memilih dari makanan pembuka hingga makanan penutup! Total 4 menu makan siang yang memuaskan
We have prepared a total of 6 lunch courses where you can choose from several types of appetizers, soups, main dishes, and desserts. Enjoy NAMIKI667's most popular course in an open space.
Contoh menu Anda dapat memilih dari item berikut. Item dengan tanda kurung ( ) dapat dipesan dengan biaya tambahan. Harap beri tahu kami jika Anda memiliki alergi makanan. Menu dapat berubah tergantung pada ketersediaan bahan. Foto hanya untuk referensi. Menu akan diubah mulai 1 Juni (Sabtu). Makanan Pembuka Salad hijau quinoa dan alpukat dengan saus jahe Tahu, yogurt susu kedelai, bubur jagung, sayuran musim panas, busa kari Ikan pipih, kaldu bonito, tapenade, zukini panggang, jeruk nipis, jeruk Pate de Campagne, foie gras, akar teratai, mentega maitre d'hôtel, jus anggur putih Port, acar muscatel Makanan Utama Ikan tenggiri panggang Spanyol dengan bubur molokheiya, paprika, chorizo, noisette en chorizo, tuile pedas Sayuran musiman dengan bumbu lada hitam segar Choux Ayam Mahkota Prefektur Oita Prem Pot-au-feu, Kue Beras Lentil, Sayuran Musiman, Mustard Gandum Tanzawa Atsugi Momocha Babi, Beras Hitam, Iburi Gako, Alpukat, Krim Asam, Jeruk Nipis, Jus Babi Daging Sapi Tenderloin Jepang Panggang Oven, Kacang Arab, Sayuran Tokyo, Béarnaise, Jus Daging Sapi Wagyu, Bumbu Biji Wijen Bahasa Indonesia: (+1.771) Paha Sapi Akigawa Hitam Jepang Panggang Oven, Kacang Arab, Sayuran Tokyo, Béarnaise, Jus Daging Sapi Jepang, Bumbu Biji Wijen, Truffle (+2.277) Striploin Sapi Akigawa Hitam Jepang Panggang Oven, Kacang Arab, Sayuran Tokyo, Béarnaise, Jus Daging Sapi Jepang, Bumbu Biji Wijen, Truffle (+3.795) Makanan Penutup Puding vegan a la mode Umeshu Granite Melon Lime Churros dengan saus cokelat organik dan es krim vanila Panna cotta persik dan mawar Pavlova mangga dengan kelapa dan markisa Kopi atau teh Contoh menu Anda dapat memilih favorit Anda dari item berikut. Item dengan tanda kurung ( ) dapat dipesan dengan biaya tambahan. Harap beri tahu kami jika Anda memiliki alergi makanan. Menu dapat berubah tergantung pada ketersediaan bahan. Foto hanya untuk referensi. Menu akan diubah mulai 2 September (Senin). Menu akan tersedia mulai bulan Juni. Makanan Pembuka Salad hijau quinoa dan alpukat dengan saus jahe Terong Jepang, Terong Tartar, Tahu, Miso Manis Edo, Aioli Vegan, Keju Baba Ghanoush Vegan, Miso Manis Edo, Aioli Vegan, Iburigakko, Myoga, Kaviar Kerang Zaitun, Mousse Kerang, Peterseli Jepang, Ginkgo, Saus Kubis, Garam Kelp Butter Liver Mousse, Leek Etuvee, Jeruk Karamel, Dada Bebek Prancis yang Diasinkan dengan Pain d'epice, Leek, Jeruk, Gastrique, Sup Cokelat Crumble Sup Burdock, Kue Beras Akar Teratai, Shiso, Spike, Mousse Susu Kedelai Bisque Lobster, Truffle(+770) Hidangan Utama Ikan Pedang Meuniere, Saus Mentega Nduja, Lobak, Salsa Verde Belut Conger yang Dibungkus Kadaif, Krim Dashi, Burdock Karamel, Sayuran Musiman, Bumbu Lada Hitam Segar Gulungan Ayam Crown Jidori Prefektur Oita, Bahasa Indonesia: Couscous, Sayuran musiman, Saus Tonburi Tanzawa Kanagawa Atsugi Momocha Babi, Kerang, Lantille, Kompot Apel, Daging Sapi Tenderloin Jepang Gaya Normandia, Haluskan Akar Seledri, Acar, Ubi Jalar Dauphinois, Jus Wagyu, Choux Daging Sapi Bulat Akigawa Gaya Vol-au-vent, Haluskan Akar Seledri, Acar, Ubi Jalar Dauphinois, Pai, Saus Jamur Morel(+2.090) Daging Sapi Striploin Akigawa, Haluskan Akar Seledri, Acar, Ubi Jalar Dauphinois, Pai, Saus Jamur Morel(+3.410) Makanan penutup Creme Brulee Vegan, Pir, Vanili Organik Kacang Kastanye Jepang Mont Blanc Basque Kue Keju Bakar, Buah musiman Panna Cotta Susu Seduh Churro, Saus Cokelat Organik, Es Krim Vanili Kopi atau teh
Cetak Bagus
* Cannot be combined with other benefits, discounts, or various accommodation packages.
* Seat selection may not be possible according to your request.
* All seats, including terrace seats, are non-smoking. Please smoke in the designated area.
* Photos of dishes, seats, options, etc. are for illustrative purposes only.
* Information and information provided may change at the request of the city.
Berlaku Sampai
06 Sep ~
Sn, Sl, R, K, J
Makan Siang, Teh
Limit Pemesanan
2 ~ 4
Kategori Tempat Duduk
Baca Lebih Lanjut
【Winter Food Fair】 Weekend Brunch Buffet ~Today’s My Cheat Day~
Prasmanan makan siang tak terbatas mulai pukul 11:30 hingga 14:30 pada hari Sabtu, Minggu, dan hari libur nasional! Koki akan memanggang daging sapi "kainomi" langka dan tenderloin babi dengan teh persik di atas arang tepat di depan mata Anda. Akan ada juga berbagai makanan pembuka, makanan penutup, dan hidangan lainnya yang pasti akan menyenangkan Anda. Selain itu, hanya pada tanggal 15 dan 16 Juni, menu akan disusun dalam edisi khusus Hari Ayah. Silakan nikmati hidangan Anda di tempat terbuka. Harap perhatikan bahwa mungkin ada batas waktu makan selama dua jam selama periode sibuk. Harap periksa terlebih dahulu.
¥ 6.957
(Termasuk layanan & pajak)
【Winter Food Fair】 Weekend Brunch Buffet ~Today’s My Cheat Day~
Prasmanan makan siang tak terbatas mulai pukul 11:30 hingga 14:30 pada hari Sabtu, Minggu, dan hari libur nasional! Koki akan memanggang daging sapi "kainomi" langka dan tenderloin babi dengan teh persik di atas arang tepat di depan mata Anda. Akan ada juga berbagai makanan pembuka, makanan penutup, dan hidangan lainnya yang pasti akan menyenangkan Anda. Selain itu, hanya pada tanggal 15 dan 16 Juni, menu akan disusun dalam edisi khusus Hari Ayah. Silakan nikmati hidangan Anda di tempat terbuka. Harap perhatikan bahwa mungkin ada batas waktu makan selama dua jam selama periode sibuk. Harap periksa terlebih dahulu.
Winter Chef's Recommended Menu
Pork Shabu-Shabu Shabu with Colorful Vegetables
Texas Burger (focaccia, marinated brisket steak, BBQ sauce, yellow mustard)
Mixed Green Leaf Salad
Sliced Root Vegetables
Herbed Chicken, Carrot Rapé, Kura Mochi Egg Salad
Crab, root celery, fennel salad with remoulade
Shrimp, Broccoli and Almond Salad
Shrimp, Broccoli, Almond Salad, Sea Vegetables, Salted Kelp, Chorégi-Style Salad
Choux rouge with red potatoes and babalouis
Chicken White Liver Mousse Coffee Tart
Yellowtail tartar fromage blanc with lemon puree
Duck cured ham with dried fruit pinchos
Beet salad
Two kinds of salami
Various cheeses
Various breads
Cask root
Salmon tortilla rolls
Brezet of rockfish with lime leaf sauce, Asari, seasonal vegetables
Seared fresh fish with American ethnic sauce
Beef tongue bresse with espagnole sauce
Beef tenderloin and white bean stew
Roasted Yamanashi Shingen Chicken
Roasted Back of Lamb
Roasted Peach Tea Pork with Bone
Breaded Chinese cabbage and chorizo
Sauteed mushrooms
Fish and chips
Octopus fritters
Mushroom soup with truffle crumble
Beef Pilaf
Beef curry
Grilled Meat on a Shichirin
Assiette Parmentier
Chicken nuggets
Potato Fries
Mini burgers
Mini cheeseburger
Cream puffs
Coffee jelly
Mont Blanc
Baked sweet potato
Baked Sweet Potato Brûlée
Baked sweet potato with astringent peel
Tarte Marron
Sweet Potato
Chestnut Pound
Sweet Potato Yokan
Chestnut Roll Cake
Apple Pie
Pear Tart
Pumpkin Pudding
Vegan Pear Brulee
Sweet Potato Pound
Seasonal Mousse
Marron Pie
Baked sweet potato
Baked Sweet Potato Brulee
Astringent skin stew
Tarte Marron
Chocolate Tart
Buche de Noel
Various fruits
Cetak Bagus
* Cannot be combined with other benefits, discounts, or various accommodation packages.
* Seat selection may not be possible according to your request.
* All seats, including terrace seats, are non-smoking. Please smoke in the designated area.
* Photos of dishes, seats, options, etc. are for illustrative purposes only.
* Information and information provided may change at the request of the city.
Cara Penukaran
Berlaku Sampai
02 Nov ~ 31 Dec, 11 Jan 2025 ~ 17 Jan 2025, 19 Jan 2025 ~ 31 Jan 2025
Sb, M, Lbr
Makan Siang, Teh
Limit Pemesanan
2 ~ 4
Kategori Tempat Duduk
Baca Lebih Lanjut
【Winter Food Fair】 Weekend Brunch Buffet ~Today’s My Cheat Day~ + toast champagne
NAMIKI667's limited lunch buffet on weekends and holidays! From November 2 to the end of December, we will hold a limited buffet featuring a variety of winter-only menus! For the main dish, enjoy Japanese Pork Loin Shabu Shabu. Smoked Japanese black beef brisket with focaccia BBQ sauce will be brought to your table. The chef will also grill rare cuts of beef “kainomi” and Momocha pork loin in front of your eyes, and main dishes and pasta will be served freshly prepared on the spot. In addition, we have prepared a variety of appetizers, desserts, and other dishes that are sure to be enjoyed. We also offer a variety of winter potluck dishes. Please enjoy the winter version of NAMIKI667's popular winter brunch buffet, including the comforting potluck dishes, to your heart's content in an open space.
Please enjoy the winter version of NAMIKI667's popular brunch buffet in an open space to your heart's content. Please note that seating is limited to 2 hours.
Please note that there is a two-part system: 11:30am and 1:30pm. Please note that the seating time will be shortened if you make reservations for other times.
Toast with champagne (one glass per person)
Oolong tea, orange juice and grapefruit juice are available.
¥ 9.740
¥ 7.500
(Termasuk layanan & pajak)
【Winter Food Fair】 Weekend Brunch Buffet ~Today’s My Cheat Day~ + toast champagne
NAMIKI667's limited lunch buffet on weekends and holidays! From November 2 to the end of December, we will hold a limited buffet featuring a variety of winter-only menus! For the main dish, enjoy Japanese Pork Loin Shabu Shabu. Smoked Japanese black beef brisket with focaccia BBQ sauce will be brought to your table. The chef will also grill rare cuts of beef “kainomi” and Momocha pork loin in front of your eyes, and main dishes and pasta will be served freshly prepared on the spot. In addition, we have prepared a variety of appetizers, desserts, and other dishes that are sure to be enjoyed. We also offer a variety of winter potluck dishes. Please enjoy the winter version of NAMIKI667's popular winter brunch buffet, including the comforting potluck dishes, to your heart's content in an open space.
Please enjoy the winter version of NAMIKI667's popular brunch buffet in an open space to your heart's content. Please note that seating is limited to 2 hours.
Please note that there is a two-part system: 11:30am and 1:30pm. Please note that the seating time will be shortened if you make reservations for other times.
Toast with champagne (one glass per person)
Oolong tea, orange juice and grapefruit juice are available.
Winter Chef's Recommended Menu
Pork Shabu-Shabu Shabu with Colorful Vegetables
Texas Burger (focaccia, marinated brisket steak, BBQ sauce, yellow mustard)
Mixed Green Leaf Salad
Sliced Root Vegetables
Herbed Chicken, Carrot Rapé, Kura Mochi Egg Salad
Crab, root celery, fennel salad with remoulade
Shrimp, Broccoli and Almond Salad
Shrimp, Broccoli, Almond Salad, Sea Vegetables, Salted Kelp, Chorégi-Style Salad
Choux rouge with red potatoes and babalouis
Chicken White Liver Mousse Coffee Tart
Yellowtail tartar fromage blanc with lemon puree
Duck cured ham with dried fruit pinchos
Beet salad
Two kinds of salami
Various cheeses
Various breads
Cask root
Salmon tortilla rolls
Brezet of rockfish with lime leaf sauce, Asari, seasonal vegetables
Seared fresh fish with American ethnic sauce
Beef tongue bresse with espagnole sauce
Beef tenderloin and white bean stew
Roasted Yamanashi Shingen Chicken
Roasted Back of Lamb
Roasted Peach Tea Pork with Bone
Breaded Chinese cabbage and chorizo
Sauteed mushrooms
Fish and chips
Octopus fritters
Mushroom soup with truffle crumble
Beef Pilaf
Beef curry
Grilled Meat on a Shichirin
Assiette Parmentier
Chicken nuggets
Potato Fries
Mini burgers
Mini cheeseburger
Cream puffs
Coffee jelly
Mont Blanc
Baked sweet potato
Baked Sweet Potato Brûlée
Baked sweet potato with astringent peel
Tarte Marron
Sweet Potato
Chestnut Pound
Sweet Potato Yokan
Chestnut Roll Cake
Apple Pie
Pear Tart
Pumpkin Pudding
Vegan Pear Brulee
Sweet Potato Pound
Seasonal Mousse
Marron Pie
Baked sweet potato
Baked Sweet Potato Brulee
Astringent skin stew
Tarte Marron
Chocolate Tart
Buche de Noel
Various fruits
Cetak Bagus
* Cannot be combined with other benefits, discounts, or various accommodation packages.
* Seat selection may not be possible according to your request.
* All seats, including terrace seats, are non-smoking. Please smoke in the designated area.
* Photos of dishes, seats, options, etc. are for illustrative purposes only.
* Information and information provided may change at the request of the city.
Berlaku Sampai
02 Nov ~ 31 Dec, 11 Jan 2025 ~ 17 Jan 2025, 19 Jan 2025 ~ 31 Jan 2025
Sb, M, Lbr
Makan Siang, Teh
Limit Pemesanan
2 ~ 4
Kategori Tempat Duduk
Baca Lebih Lanjut
【Winter Food Fair】 Weekend Brunch Buffet ~Today’s My Cheat Day + Free flow 90 minutes
NAMIKI667's limited lunch buffet on weekends and holidays! From November 2 to the end of December, we will hold a limited buffet featuring a variety of winter-only menus! For the main dish, enjoy Japanese Pork Loin Shabu Shabu. Smoked Japanese black beef brisket with focaccia BBQ sauce will be brought to your table. The chef will also grill rare cuts of beef “kainomi” and Momocha pork loin in front of your eyes, and main dishes and pasta will be served freshly prepared on the spot. In addition, we have prepared a variety of appetizers, desserts, and other dishes that are sure to be enjoyed. We also offer a variety of winter potluck dishes. Please enjoy the winter version of NAMIKI667's popular winter brunch buffet, including the comforting potluck dishes, to your heart's content in an open space.
Please enjoy the winter version of NAMIKI667's popular brunch buffet in an open space to your heart's content. Please note that seating is limited to 2 hours.
Please note that there is a two-part system: 11:30am and 1:30pm. Please note that the seating time will be shortened if you make reservations for other times.
Includes 90 minutes of free flow including sparkling wine
This plan includes sparkling wine, white wine, red wine, bottled beer, oolong tea, and orange juice.
Last order in 60 minutes and free flow ends in 90 minutes.
¥ 10.752
¥ 8.000
(Termasuk layanan & pajak)
【Winter Food Fair】 Weekend Brunch Buffet ~Today’s My Cheat Day + Free flow 90 minutes
NAMIKI667's limited lunch buffet on weekends and holidays! From November 2 to the end of December, we will hold a limited buffet featuring a variety of winter-only menus! For the main dish, enjoy Japanese Pork Loin Shabu Shabu. Smoked Japanese black beef brisket with focaccia BBQ sauce will be brought to your table. The chef will also grill rare cuts of beef “kainomi” and Momocha pork loin in front of your eyes, and main dishes and pasta will be served freshly prepared on the spot. In addition, we have prepared a variety of appetizers, desserts, and other dishes that are sure to be enjoyed. We also offer a variety of winter potluck dishes. Please enjoy the winter version of NAMIKI667's popular winter brunch buffet, including the comforting potluck dishes, to your heart's content in an open space.
Please enjoy the winter version of NAMIKI667's popular brunch buffet in an open space to your heart's content. Please note that seating is limited to 2 hours.
Please note that there is a two-part system: 11:30am and 1:30pm. Please note that the seating time will be shortened if you make reservations for other times.
Includes 90 minutes of free flow including sparkling wine
This plan includes sparkling wine, white wine, red wine, bottled beer, oolong tea, and orange juice.
Last order in 60 minutes and free flow ends in 90 minutes.
Winter Chef's Recommended Menu
Pork Shabu-Shabu Shabu with Colorful Vegetables
Texas Burger (focaccia, marinated brisket steak, BBQ sauce, yellow mustard)
Mixed Green Leaf Salad
Sliced Root Vegetables
Herbed Chicken, Carrot Rapé, Kura Mochi Egg Salad
Crab, root celery, fennel salad with remoulade
Shrimp, Broccoli and Almond Salad
Shrimp, Broccoli, Almond Salad, Sea Vegetables, Salted Kelp, Chorégi-Style Salad
Choux rouge with red potatoes and babalouis
Chicken White Liver Mousse Coffee Tart
Yellowtail tartar fromage blanc with lemon puree
Duck cured ham with dried fruit pinchos
Beet salad
Two kinds of salami
Various cheeses
Various breads
Cask root
Salmon tortilla rolls
Brezet of rockfish with lime leaf sauce, Asari, seasonal vegetables
Seared fresh fish with American ethnic sauce
Beef tongue bresse with espagnole sauce
Beef tenderloin and white bean stew
Roasted Yamanashi Shingen Chicken
Roasted Back of Lamb
Roasted Peach Tea Pork with Bone
Breaded Chinese cabbage and chorizo
Sauteed mushrooms
Fish and chips
Octopus fritters
Mushroom soup with truffle crumble
Beef Pilaf
Beef curry
Grilled Meat on a Shichirin
Assiette Parmentier
Chicken nuggets
Potato Fries
Mini burgers
Mini cheeseburger
Cream puffs
Coffee jelly
Mont Blanc
Baked sweet potato
Baked Sweet Potato Brûlée
Baked sweet potato with astringent peel
Tarte Marron
Sweet Potato
Chestnut Pound
Sweet Potato Yokan
Chestnut Roll Cake
Apple Pie
Pear Tart
Pumpkin Pudding
Vegan Pear Brulee
Sweet Potato Pound
Seasonal Mousse
Marron Pie
Baked sweet potato
Baked Sweet Potato Brulee
Astringent skin stew
Tarte Marron
Chocolate Tart
Buche de Noel
Various fruits
Cetak Bagus
* Cannot be combined with other benefits, discounts, or various accommodation packages.
* Seat selection may not be possible according to your request.
* All seats, including terrace seats, are non-smoking. Please smoke in the designated area.
* Photos of dishes, seats, options, etc. are for illustrative purposes only.
* Information and information provided may change at the request of the city.
Berlaku Sampai
02 Nov ~ 31 Dec, 11 Jan 2025 ~ 17 Jan 2025, 19 Jan 2025 ~ 31 Jan 2025
Sb, M, Lbr
Makan Siang, Teh
Limit Pemesanan
2 ~ 4
Kategori Tempat Duduk
Baca Lebih Lanjut
Table Check's lowest price! Weekdays only / Limited to 5 seats per day] Chef's 5-course lunch course
We have prepared a special chef's plan that uses a variety of seasonal ingredients and allows you to fully enjoy appetizers, main courses, and desserts at a reasonable price, available only on weekdays/Tabel Check. Please feel free to enjoy your lunch in Ginza in a space with a sense of openness.
¥ 3.400
(Termasuk layanan & pajak)
Table Check's lowest price! Weekdays only / Limited to 5 seats per day] Chef's 5-course lunch course
We have prepared a special chef's plan that uses a variety of seasonal ingredients and allows you to fully enjoy appetizers, main courses, and desserts at a reasonable price, available only on weekdays/Tabel Check. Please feel free to enjoy your lunch in Ginza in a space with a sense of openness.
Example of menu
Please let us know if you have any food allergies.
The menu is subject to change depending on the availability of ingredients.
The photo is for illustrative purposes only.
*The menu will be available from November 18.
The menu will be changed from the end of February 2025.
Green salad with quinoa and avocado with ginger dressing
Main Dish
Monkfish meuniere with lime leaf sauce, prosciutto, horseradish greens, black pepper condiment
Churros with organic chocolate sauce and vanilla ice cream
Coffee or tea
Cetak Bagus
* Cannot be combined with other benefits, discounts, or various accommodation packages.
* Seat selection may not be possible according to your request.
* All seats, including terrace seats, are non-smoking. Please smoke in the designated area.
* Photos of dishes, seats, options, etc. are for illustrative purposes only.
* Information and information provided may change at the request of the city.
Berlaku Sampai
18 Nov ~
Sn, Sl, R, K, J
Limit Pemesanan
2 ~ 4
Kategori Tempat Duduk
Baca Lebih Lanjut
Table Check's lowest price! Weekdays only / Limited to 5 seats per day] Chef's 5-course lunch course+Champagne toast
Kami telah menyiapkan paket khusus koki yang menggunakan banyak bahan musiman dan memungkinkan Anda menikmati makanan pembuka, hidangan utama, dan makanan penutup sepenuhnya dengan harga terjangkau hanya pada hari kerja/Pemeriksaan Tabel. Silakan menikmati makan siang di Ginza di ruang terbuka. *Rencana ini hanya untuk memasuki toko pada pukul 13.30. (Harap dicatat bahwa masa inap Anda akan berlangsung selama 1 jam)
¥ 3.400
(Termasuk layanan & pajak)
Table Check's lowest price! Weekdays only / Limited to 5 seats per day] Chef's 5-course lunch course+Champagne toast
Kami telah menyiapkan paket khusus koki yang menggunakan banyak bahan musiman dan memungkinkan Anda menikmati makanan pembuka, hidangan utama, dan makanan penutup sepenuhnya dengan harga terjangkau hanya pada hari kerja/Pemeriksaan Tabel. Silakan menikmati makan siang di Ginza di ruang terbuka. *Rencana ini hanya untuk memasuki toko pada pukul 13.30. (Harap dicatat bahwa masa inap Anda akan berlangsung selama 1 jam)
Includes champagne toast (one glass per person)
Oolong tea and orange juice are available.
Example of menu
Please let us know if you have any food allergies.
The menu is subject to change depending on the availability of ingredients.
The photo is for illustrative purposes only.
*The menu will be available from November 18.
The menu will be changed from the end of February 2025.
Green salad with quinoa and avocado with ginger dressing
Main Dish
Monkfish meuniere with lime leaf sauce, prosciutto, horseradish greens, black pepper condiment
Churros with organic chocolate sauce and vanilla ice cream
Coffee or tea
Cetak Bagus
* Cannot be combined with other benefits, discounts, or various accommodation packages.
* Seat selection may not be possible according to your request.
* All seats, including terrace seats, are non-smoking. Please smoke in the designated area.
* Photos of dishes, seats, options, etc. are for illustrative purposes only.
* Information and information provided may change at the request of the city.
Berlaku Sampai
18 Nov ~
Sn, Sl, R, K, J
Limit Pemesanan
2 ~ 4
Kategori Tempat Duduk
Baca Lebih Lanjut
-- Tujuan --
Ulang Tahun
Ulang Tahun (Diri Sendiri)
Ulang Tahun (Teman)
Ulang Tahun (Pasangan)
Ulang Tahun (Suami-Istri)
Ulang Tahun (Keluarga)
Teman / Grup
Grup Wanita
Selamat Datang / Perpisahan (Teman)
Pesta Liburan (Teman)
Alumni / Reuni
Resepsi Pernikahan
Perjalanan / Pariwisata
Minum / Makan Tim
Selamat Datang / Perpisahan (Bisnis)
Pesta Liburan (Bisnis)
Event Bayi
Event Anak-anak
Pengenalan Keluarga
Acara Pertunangan
Peringatan / Pemakaman
Kencan Kelompok
Ulang Tahun Pernikahan
Perayaan Kencan
Seminar / Meetup
Resital Musik
Film (TV/Film)
Riwayat kunjungan
-- Riwayat kunjungan --
Kunjungan Pertama
Kunjungan Kedua
Kunjungan Ketiga
Kunjungan Keempat atau Lebih
Pertanyaan 1
Apakah Anda ingin bergabung dengan program loyalitas World of Hyatt secara gratis dan mendapatkan keuntungan dari pembelanjaan makanan di hotel Hyatt yang berpartisipasi? Dengan bergabung, Anda menyetujui
Syarat & Ketentuan
World of Hyatt. Kami mengumpulkan dan menggunakan informasi pribadi Anda sesuai dengan
Kebijakan Privasi
Ya, saya ingin bergabung. (Anda akan menerima email Selamat Datang dari World of Hyatt dalam waktu 3 hari kerja.)
Saya sudah menjadi anggota World of Hyatt dan ingin mendapatkan poin dari pembelanjaan makanan yang memenuhi syarat.
Tidak, saya kurang tertarik
Pertanyaan 2
Harap beri tahu kami jika Anda memiliki alergi makanan.
Pertanyaan untuk Termasuk satu hidangan yang direkomendasikan oleh chef! 4 hidangan dengan pilihan makanan pembuka, hidangan utama, dan hidangan penutup (harga khusus)
Pertanyaan 3
Pertanyaan 4
ハイアットのロイヤルティプログラム「ワールド オブ ハイアット」会員のお客様は、世界中のハイアットのホテルが運営するレストラン&バーやスパでの対象となる料金のお支払いについて、1米ドルにつき5ベースポイントを獲得することができます。「ワールド オブ ハイアット」へのご入会を希望されますか。
Pertanyaan untuk [Popularitas No. 1 / terbatas 5 kursi per hari] Anda dapat memilih dari makanan pembuka hingga makanan penutup! Total 4 menu makan siang yang memuaskan
Pertanyaan 5
Pertanyaan 6
ハイアットのロイヤルティプログラム「ワールド オブ ハイアット」会員のお客様は、世界中のハイアットのホテルが運営するレストラン&バーやスパでの対象となる料金のお支払いについて、1米ドルにつき5ベースポイントを獲得することができます。「ワールド オブ ハイアット」へのご入会を希望されますか。
Pertanyaan untuk 【Winter Food Fair】 Weekend Brunch Buffet ~Today’s My Cheat Day~
Pertanyaan 7
Regardless of the time of entry, the last order is at 14:00 and it is closed at 14:30.
Pertanyaan 8
ハイアットのロイヤルティプログラム「ワールド オブ ハイアット」会員のお客様は、世界中のハイアットのホテルが運営するレストラン&バーやスパでの対象となる料金のお支払いについて、1米ドルにつき5ベースポイントを獲得することができます。「ワールド オブ ハイアット」へのご入会を希望されますか。
Pertanyaan untuk 【Winter Food Fair】 Weekend Brunch Buffet ~Today’s My Cheat Day~ + toast champagne
Pertanyaan 9
Regardless of the time of entry, the last order is at 14:00 and it is closed at 14:30.
Pertanyaan 10
ハイアットのロイヤルティプログラム「ワールド オブ ハイアット」会員のお客様は、世界中のハイアットのホテルが運営するレストラン&バーやスパでの対象となる料金のお支払いについて、1米ドルにつき5ベースポイントを獲得することができます。「ワールド オブ ハイアット」へのご入会を希望されますか。
Pertanyaan untuk 【Winter Food Fair】 Weekend Brunch Buffet ~Today’s My Cheat Day + Free flow 90 minutes
Pertanyaan 11
Regardless of the time of entry, the last order is at 14:00 and it is closed at 14:30.
Pertanyaan 12
ハイアットのロイヤルティプログラム「ワールド オブ ハイアット」会員のお客様は、世界中のハイアットのホテルが運営するレストラン&バーやスパでの対象となる料金のお支払いについて、1米ドルにつき5ベースポイントを獲得することができます。「ワールド オブ ハイアット」へのご入会を希望されますか。
Pertanyaan untuk Table Check's lowest price! Weekdays only / Limited to 5 seats per day] Chef's 5-course lunch course
Pertanyaan 13
Regardless of the time of entry, the last order is at 14:00 and it is closed at 14:30.
Pertanyaan 14
ハイアットのロイヤルティプログラム「ワールド オブ ハイアット」会員のお客様は、世界中のハイアットのホテルが運営するレストラン&バーやスパでの対象となる料金のお支払いについて、1米ドルにつき5ベースポイントを獲得することができます。「ワールド オブ ハイアット」へのご入会を希望されますか。
Pertanyaan untuk Table Check's lowest price! Weekdays only / Limited to 5 seats per day] Chef's 5-course lunch course+Champagne toast
Pertanyaan 15
Regardless of the time of entry, the last order is at 14:00 and it is closed at 14:30.
Pertanyaan 16
ハイアットのロイヤルティプログラム「ワールド オブ ハイアット」会員のお客様は、世界中のハイアットのホテルが運営するレストラン&バーやスパでの対象となる料金のお支払いについて、1米ドルにつき5ベースポイントを獲得することができます。「ワールド オブ ハイアット」へのご入会を希望されますか。
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Terima penawaran dari NAMIKI667, Hyatt Centric Ginza Tokyo, Hyatt dan anak perusahaan Hyatt.
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Kebijakan Privasi NAMIKI667
Syarat Layanan TableCheck
Kebijakan Privasi TableCheck
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