Reserviere Le Beurre Noisette NAGOYA

!! There have been many cases of people making reservations between the "Tokyo store" and the "Nagoya store" by mistake!! This is the reservation page for the Nagoya store. ▶Service charges and cover charges: A separate 10% service charge per person will be charged (dinner only). For ala carte orders, an additional cover charge of 550 yen (tax included) will be charged. ▶Children's menus will not be available on the day. Only children who can order from the regular menu can use the restaurant. (Children's lunch courses are available by reservation only.) ▶Depending on the level of congestion, we may not be able to accommodate your seating request. ▶If we are unable to contact you within 30 minutes of your reservation time, we may have to cancel your reservation, so please be sure to contact us if you are going to be late. ▶Group reservations can also be made by phone. ☎Telephone inquiries: 052-414-7013 ▶Private room charges: Private room (small): 6-8 people, 5,000 yen per room Private room (large): 9-16 people, 10,000 yen per room *Reservations for private rooms (large) can be made by phone.
12 Jahre und jünger


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