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Tiếng Việt
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Đặt bàn tại Japanese Cuisine YUKURI - Hotel Niwa Tokyo
Tin nhắn từ Nhà hàng
✅ Non-face-to-face payment
You can pay on the day with the card at the time of reservation.
If you wish, please select "Use contactless payment" on the next page. Click
for details.
‐Photos are for illustrative purposes.
‐Tables are allocated upon arrival and cannot be selected in advance.
‐The menu items may change without prior notice depending on the supply and seasonal conditions.
‐Please note that these plans are all online limited plans.
‐Smoking is not permitted in the restaurant at any time.
‐Please note that online limited plans cannot be used in conjunction with other benefits / discounts.
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¥ 12.500
(Giá sau phí dịch vụ & thuế)
Ngày Hiệu lực
21 Thg 12 ~ 25 Thg 12
Bữa tối
Giới hạn dặt món
2 ~ 3
Các Loại Ghế
Xem thêm
¥ 5.500
(Giá sau phí dịch vụ & thuế)
御菜 蟹味噌茶碗蒸し
かにかま 榎木茸 三つ葉 柚子
冬至かすてら 干しぶどう
椿サーモン とびこ
造り 鰹のたたきサラダ仕立て
あしらい色々 胡麻ポン酢
煮物 里芋饅頭柚子味噌掛け
穴子柔らか煮 白菜煮浸し 針柚子
食事 手打ち蕎麦 薬味
Ngày Hiệu lực
31 Thg 12
Bữa trưa
Giới hạn dặt món
2 ~ 3
Các Loại Ghế
Xem thêm
¥ 5.800
(Giá sau phí dịch vụ & thuế)
乾杯のお飲み物 スパークリングワイン
御菜 蟹味噌茶碗蒸し
かにかま 榎木茸 三つ葉 柚子
冬至かすてら 干しぶどう
椿サーモン とびこ
造り 鰹のたたきサラダ仕立て
あしらい色々 胡麻ポン酢
煮物 里芋饅頭柚子味噌掛け
穴子柔らか煮 白菜煮浸し 針柚子
食事 手打ち蕎麦 薬味
Ngày Hiệu lực
31 Thg 12
Bữa trưa
Giới hạn dặt món
2 ~ 3
Các Loại Ghế
Xem thêm
第一部:17:30~19:30 第二部:20:00~22:00
¥ 9.900
(Giá sau phí dịch vụ & thuế)
第一部:17:30~19:30 第二部:20:00~22:00
御菜 ローストビーフ 彩野菜のトマト煮
冬至かすてら 干しぶどう
椿サーモン とびこ
白菜と法蓮草のお浸し ちりめんじゃこ
柚子豆腐 柚子味噌掛け
旬の一品 蟹味噌茶碗蒸し
造り 本日の造り
主菜 冬鱈と大根のバター焼き
食事 海老天麩羅そば
小松菜 蒲鉾 長葱 柚子
デザート 抹茶ガトーショコラと季の実
Ngày Hiệu lực
31 Thg 12
Bữa tối
Giới hạn dặt món
2 ~ 3
Các Loại Ghế
Xem thêm
第一部:17:30~19:30 第二部:20:00~22:00
¥ 10.500
(Giá sau phí dịch vụ & thuế)
第一部:17:30~19:30 第二部:20:00~22:00
乾杯のお飲み物 スパークリングワイン
御菜 ローストビーフ 彩野菜のトマト煮
冬至かすてら 干しぶどう
椿サーモン とびこ
白菜と法蓮草のお浸し ちりめんじゃこ
柚子豆腐 柚子味噌掛け
旬の一品 蟹味噌茶碗蒸し
造り 本日の造り
主菜 冬鱈と大根のバター焼き
食事 海老天麩羅そば
小松菜 蒲鉾 長葱 柚子
デザート 抹茶ガトーショコラと季の実
Ngày Hiệu lực
31 Thg 12
Bữa tối
Giới hạn dặt món
2 ~ 3
Các Loại Ghế
Xem thêm
【お正月ランチコース】お正月料理を愉しむコース ~新春祝膳 ~
¥ 6.600
(Giá sau phí dịch vụ & thuế)
【お正月ランチコース】お正月料理を愉しむコース ~新春祝膳 ~
祝肴 一、数の子松前漬け
造り 本日の造り
煮物 縁特製のっぺい煮
焼物 梶木鮪照り焼き
初霜クリーム 冬大根 占地
雑煮 合鴨雑煮
角餅 合鴨葛打ち つくね 鹿の子椎茸
鶴大根 亀甲小芋 日の出人参
Ngày Hiệu lực
01 Thg 1 2025 ~ 03 Thg 1 2025
Bữa trưa
Giới hạn dặt món
2 ~ 3
Các Loại Ghế
Xem thêm
¥ 7.000
(Giá sau phí dịch vụ & thuế)
Ngày Hiệu lực
01 Thg 1 2025 ~ 03 Thg 1 2025
Bữa trưa
Giới hạn dặt món
2 ~ 3
Các Loại Ghế
Xem thêm
【新年ディナーコース】新春会席~新春のお料理を愉しむ 全7品~
※※1月1日 のみ2部制でのご用意とさせて頂きます。
第一部:17:30~19:30 第二部:20:00~22:00
¥ 9.900
(Giá sau phí dịch vụ & thuế)
【新年ディナーコース】新春会席~新春のお料理を愉しむ 全7品~
※※1月1日 のみ2部制でのご用意とさせて頂きます。
第一部:17:30~19:30 第二部:20:00~22:00
祝い肴 海鼠元禄和え
オレンジ金団 伊達巻 黒豆松葉刺し
御椀 真鱈松前巻
自家製揚げ豆腐 冬人参
大根 炙り唐墨 柚子
造り 本日の造り
多喜合わせ 縁特製のっぺい煮
主菜 寒鰤西京麹焼き
冬大根酒香煮 筍雲丹焼き
刻み芹 花蓮根 一味唐辛子
食事 蟹餡掛け御飯
しじみ汁 香の物
デザート クリームチーズアイスと苺羊羹求肥巻
グレープフルーツソース 銀箔
Ngày Hiệu lực
01 Thg 1 2025 ~ 03 Thg 1 2025
Bữa tối
Giới hạn dặt món
2 ~ 3
Các Loại Ghế
Xem thêm
【新年ディナーコース】新春会席~新春のお料理を愉しむ 全7品+乾杯スパークリングワイン~
※※1月1日 のみ2部制でのご用意とさせて頂きます。
第一部:17:30~19:30 第二部:20:00~22:00
¥ 10.500
(Giá sau phí dịch vụ & thuế)
【新年ディナーコース】新春会席~新春のお料理を愉しむ 全7品+乾杯スパークリングワイン~
※※1月1日 のみ2部制でのご用意とさせて頂きます。
第一部:17:30~19:30 第二部:20:00~22:00
乾杯のお飲み物 スパークリングワイン
祝い肴 海鼠元禄和え
オレンジ金団 伊達巻 黒豆松葉刺し
御椀 真鱈松前巻
自家製揚げ豆腐 冬人参
大根 炙り唐墨 柚子
造り 本日の造り
多喜合わせ 縁特製のっぺい煮
主菜 寒鰤西京麹焼き
冬大根酒香煮 筍雲丹焼き
刻み芹 花蓮根 一味唐辛子
食事 蟹餡掛け御飯
しじみ汁 香の物
デザート クリームチーズアイスと苺羊羹求肥巻
グレープフルーツソース 銀箔
Ngày Hiệu lực
01 Thg 1 2025 ~ 03 Thg 1 2025
Bữa tối
Giới hạn dặt món
2 ~ 3
Các Loại Ghế
Xem thêm
※※1月1日 のみ2部制でのご用意とさせて頂きます。
第一部:17:30~19:30 第二部:20:00~22:00
¥ 13.200
(Giá sau phí dịch vụ & thuế)
※※1月1日 のみ2部制でのご用意とさせて頂きます。
第一部:17:30~19:30 第二部:20:00~22:00
祝い肴 海鼠元禄和え
オレンジ金団 伊達巻 黒豆松葉刺し
御椀 真鱈松前巻
自家製揚げ豆腐 冬人参
大根 炙り唐墨 柚子
造り 本日の造り
揚物 真鯛と牡蠣フライ
トマト味噌 ホワイトソース
宴の主菜 黒毛和牛のすき焼き
食事 源泉米 小蛤のお吸い物
デザート クリームチーズアイスと苺羊羹求肥巻
グレープフルーツソース 銀箔
Ngày Hiệu lực
01 Thg 1 2025 ~ 03 Thg 1 2025
Bữa tối
Giới hạn dặt món
2 ~ 3
Các Loại Ghế
Xem thêm
※※1月1日 のみ2部制でのご用意とさせて頂きます。
第一部:17:30~19:30 第二部:20:00~22:00
¥ 13.800
(Giá sau phí dịch vụ & thuế)
※※1月1日 のみ2部制でのご用意とさせて頂きます。
第一部:17:30~19:30 第二部:20:00~22:00
乾杯のお飲み物 スパークリングワイン
祝い肴 海鼠元禄和え
オレンジ金団 伊達巻 黒豆松葉刺し
御椀 真鱈松前巻
自家製揚げ豆腐 冬人参
大根 炙り唐墨 柚子
造り 本日の造り
揚物 真鯛と牡蠣フライ
トマト味噌 ホワイトソース
宴の主菜 黒毛和牛のすき焼き
食事 源泉米 小蛤のお吸い物
デザート クリームチーズアイスと苺羊羹求肥巻
グレープフルーツソース 銀箔
Ngày Hiệu lực
01 Thg 1 2025 ~ 03 Thg 1 2025
Bữa tối
Giới hạn dặt món
2 ~ 3
Các Loại Ghế
Xem thêm
[New Year's Breakfast] New Year's breakfast "New Year's Zouni Zen" 4,400 yen
[New Year's Zoni Set Meal, where you can enjoy seasonal ingredients] At the beginning of the year, we have prepared a New Year's limited menu specially selected by our head chef. You can enjoy a variety of auspicious meals perfect for the New Year. Please spend an irreplaceable moment in the New Year in the relaxing atmosphere that only a hotel can offer.
*On New Year's Day and January 2nd, the tour will be divided into two parts. Part 1: 7:00-8:30 Part 2: 9:00-10:30
¥ 4.400
(Giá sau phí dịch vụ & thuế)
[New Year's Breakfast] New Year's breakfast "New Year's Zouni Zen" 4,400 yen
[New Year's Zoni Set Meal, where you can enjoy seasonal ingredients] At the beginning of the year, we have prepared a New Year's limited menu specially selected by our head chef. You can enjoy a variety of auspicious meals perfect for the New Year. Please spend an irreplaceable moment in the New Year in the relaxing atmosphere that only a hotel can offer.
*On New Year's Day and January 2nd, the tour will be divided into two parts. Part 1: 7:00-8:30 Part 2: 9:00-10:30
■As this is a special menu, we cannot change the ingredients. We apologize for the inconvenience, but we ask for your understanding. ■The contents of the dishes may change depending on the availability of ingredients.■The photo is for illustrative purposes only. [New Year's Zoni Set] Celebratory appetizers: 1. Chestnut orange gold dumplings 2. Red and white kamaboko 3. Rice crackers 4. Zodiac castella 5. Herring roe Matsumae pickles 6. Black bean appetizer Pickled tuna with grated yam Egg malt Boiled wasabi Turnip and crab sauce Flower tofu Uranchi Ginger zoni Duck zoni Square mochi Crane radish Tortoiseshell potato Sunrise carrot Duck kudzu with kudzu Tsukune Kanoko shiitake mushrooms
Ngày Hiệu lực
01 Thg 1 2025 ~ 03 Thg 1 2025
Bữa sáng
Giới hạn dặt món
2 ~ 3
Các Loại Ghế
Xem thêm
[15th Anniversary Lunch Set] Isshun Gosai ~Limited to 5/18 and 5/19~
¥ 3.000
(Giá sau phí dịch vụ & thuế)
[15th Anniversary Lunch Set] Isshun Gosai ~Limited to 5/18 and 5/19~
[Menu example 5/18-5/19] Seasonal dish: Yomogi tofu, crab sticks, wasabi side dish, minced chicken meat and potatoes, daikon and mizuna plum salad, salted kelp main dish <Please choose one fish or meat dish> Fish dish: Grilled Spanish mackerel with salted koji oil and topped with satsuki cream, deep-fried sakura shrimp, grilled tomatoes, mashed potatoes Meat dish: Matsusaka pork salted koji low-temperature roast, colorful vegetables with Kinzanji miso, rice bowl with tuna and clam miso soup
Ngày Hiệu lực
18 Thg 5 ~ 19 Thg 5
T7, CN, Hol
Bữa trưa
Giới hạn dặt món
1 ~ 4
Các Loại Ghế
Xem thêm
[15th Anniversary Dinner Course] Special Course + Sparkling Wine Toast ~Limited to May 18th and 19th~
¥ 6.800
(Giá sau phí dịch vụ & thuế)
[15th Anniversary Dinner Course] Special Course + Sparkling Wine Toast ~Limited to May 18th and 19th~
- The menu may change depending on the availability of ingredients - [Menu example 5/18-5/19] First dish: 1. Roast beef roll with green vegetables tossed in wasabi 2. Firefly squid and spring cabbage with plum yogurt 3. Kashiwa no ha sushi 4. Sake-fried conch shell and serpentine cucumber with vinegar miso 5. Fukusa egg and broad beans 6. Sasamaki tofu 7. Cream cheese with sea bream and sake kasu 8. En's special boiled and deep-fried noppei fish Tempura with seasonal vegetables Fish dish Satsuki sea bream and clams simmered in salt Japanese-style aqua pazza Meal: Tekkadon Shijimi soup
Ngày Hiệu lực
18 Thg 5 ~ 19 Thg 5
Bữa tối
Giới hạn dặt món
1 ~ 4
Các Loại Ghế
Xem thêm
[15th Anniversary Dinner Course] Dish of the Day + Sparkling Wine Toast ~Only on 5/18 and 5/19~
¥ 8.800
(Giá sau phí dịch vụ & thuế)
[15th Anniversary Dinner Course] Dish of the Day + Sparkling Wine Toast ~Only on 5/18 and 5/19~
The menu may change depending on the availability of ingredients. [Sample menu 5/18-5/19] First dish: 1. Roast beef roll with green vegetables tossed in wasabi 2. Firefly squid and spring cabbage with plum yogurt 3. Kashiwa no ha sushi 4. Sake-fried conch shell and serpentine cucumber with vinegared miso 5. Fukusa egg and broad beans 6. Sasamaki tofu 7. Cream cheese with sea bream and sake kasu 8. En's special boiled ponzu Today's sashimi Fish dish Satsuki sea bream and clams boiled in salt Japanese-style acqua pazza Meat dish Matsusaka pork salt koji low-temperature roast Colorful vegetables with Kinzanji miso Meal Tekkadon Shijimi soup
Ngày Hiệu lực
18 Thg 5 ~ 19 Thg 5
Bữa tối
Giới hạn dặt món
1 ~ 4
Các Loại Ghế
Xem thêm
[15th Anniversary Dinner Course] Saisou + 5 types of sake glasses ~Limited to 5/18 and 5/19~
¥ 18.000
(Giá sau phí dịch vụ & thuế)
[15th Anniversary Dinner Course] Saisou + 5 types of sake glasses ~Limited to 5/18 and 5/19~
- The menu may change depending on the availability of ingredients - [Sample menu 5/18-5/19] First dish 1. Roast beef roll with green vegetables tossed in wasabi 2. Firefly squid and spring cabbage with plum yogurt 3. Kashiwa no ha sushi 4. Sake-fried conch shell and serpentine cucumber with vinegar and miso sauce 5. Fukusa egg and broad beans 6. Sasamaki tofu 7. Cream cheese and sea bream with sake kasu 8. En's special boiled sashimi Whole lobster sashimi and today's sashimi Fish dish Boiled May snapper and clams Japanese-style aqua pazza style meat dish Seared black wagyu beef and spring vegetables Meal with En's special tamari soy sauce sauce Tekkadon Shijimi soup Today's dessert
Ngày Hiệu lực
18 Thg 5 ~ 19 Thg 5
Bữa tối
Giới hạn dặt món
1 ~ 4
Các Loại Ghế
Xem thêm
[15th Anniversary Dinner Course] Edo Iki Gozen - Sukiyaki - + Tasting of 3 Types of Sake
¥ 8.800
(Giá sau phí dịch vụ & thuế)
[15th Anniversary Dinner Course] Edo Iki Gozen - Sukiyaki - + Tasting of 3 Types of Sake
The menu may change depending on the availability of ingredients. [Menu] 5/20 - 5/17/2024 Appetizer: En's special boiled and deep-fried ponzu, seasonal tempura, sashimi of the day, various garnishes, main dish: Wagyu beef sukiyaki, meal: handmade soba noodles
Ngày Hiệu lực
20 Thg 5 ~ 17 Thg 5 2025
Bữa tối
Giới hạn dặt món
1 ~ 4
Các Loại Ghế
Xem thêm
【Special Kaiseki Set Lunch for Ladies】Kaiseki Set with a glass of Sparkling wine & Special Dessert for JPY 5,500!!
¥ 7.400
¥ 5.900
(Giá sau phí dịch vụ & thuế)
【Special Kaiseki Set Lunch for Ladies】Kaiseki Set with a glass of Sparkling wine & Special Dessert for JPY 5,500!!
- The menu may change depending on the availability of ingredients - [Menu example 12/1-12/30] Appetizer: Steamed crab with miso sauce, crab meat, crab meatballs, yuba, Enoki mushrooms in a box, grilled yellowtail with Saikyo sauce, flower lotus root, stewed pufferfish skin, winter solstice castella, raisins, camellia salmon, flying fish roe, roast beef, colorful vegetables stewed in tomato sauce, Chinese cabbage and lotus root salad, dried small sardines, small sea bream and unagi flower sashimi, cream cheese sea bream sake kasuri sashimi, today's sashimi, various stewed garnishes, En's special boiled and deep-fried ponzu, small shrimp with chrysanthemum and onion tempura, chicken tempura, meal: handmade soba noodles, today's dessert, coffee or tea [Menu example 1/10-1/31] Appetizer: Shark fin and yuzu chawanmushi, crab meatballs, small bok choy Tortoiseshell paste in a small box, simmered herring, eggplant in oil, plum and gluten in honey, rape blossom salmon roll, Chinese ink sprinkled, thick yuba, fresh sea urchin, yam, wasabi, Matsukaze chicken, raisins, soybeans and hijiki with five-bean paste, conch shell roasted in sake, noshi plum chocolate and dried almonds, mochi, cream cheese sake kasuri sushi, sushi of the day, various simmered garnishes, En's special boiled and deep-fried ponzu, fried monkfish, lion pepper, red grated daikon radish, ponzu sauce, handmade soba noodles, dessert of the day, coffee or tea
Ngày Hiệu lực
01 Thg 4 2023 ~
Bữa trưa
Giới hạn dặt món
1 ~ 4
Các Loại Ghế
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[Anniversary] Celebrate with a special whole cake ~ Cheers to the popular miniature garden with 1 drink included! ~
¥ 7.500
(Giá sau phí dịch vụ & thuế)
[Anniversary] Celebrate with a special whole cake ~ Cheers to the popular miniature garden with 1 drink included! ~
- The menu may change depending on the availability of ingredients - [Menu example 12/1-12/13] Appetizer: Steamed crab with miso sauce, crab meat, crab meatballs, yuba, Enoki mushrooms in a box, grilled yellowtail with Saikyo sauce, flower lotus root, stewed pufferfish skin, winter solstice castella, raisins, camellia salmon, flying fish roe, roast beef, colorful vegetables stewed in tomato sauce, Chinese cabbage and lotus root salad, dried small sardines, small sea bream and unagi flower sashimi, cream cheese sea bream sake kasuri sashimi, today's sashimi, various stewed garnishes, En's special boiled and deep-fried ponzu, small shrimp with chrysanthemum and onion tempura, chicken tempura, meal: handmade soba noodles, dessert, pastry chef's special whole cake, coffee or tea after the meal [Menu example 1/10-1/31] Appetizer: Shark fin and yuzu chawanmushi Crab meatballs, small bok choy, bekko paste in a box, simmered herring, eggplant in oil, plum and gluten simmered in honey, rape blossom salmon roll, Chinese ink sprinkled, thick yuba, fresh sea urchin, yam, wasabi, Matsukaze chicken, raisins, soybeans and hijiki with five-bean paste, conch shell roasted in sake, noshi plum chocolate and dried almonds, mochi, cream cheese sake kasuri sushi, sushi of the day, various simmered garnishes, En's special boiled and deep-fried ponzu, fried monkfish, lion peppers, red grated daikon radish, ponzu sauce, handmade soba noodle dessert, whole cake specially made by the patissier, coffee or tea after the meal
Ngày Hiệu lực
~ 15 Thg 12 2022, 26 Thg 12 2022 ~ 30 Thg 12 2022, 10 Thg 1 2023 ~
Bữa trưa
Giới hạn dặt món
2 ~ 4
Các Loại Ghế
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[Weekdays only] ~ 90 minutes lunch ~ Ichishun Gosai + toast sparkling wine + coffee or tea
¥ 4.900
¥ 3.700
(Giá sau phí dịch vụ & thuế)
[Weekdays only] ~ 90 minutes lunch ~ Ichishun Gosai + toast sparkling wine + coffee or tea
~The menu may change depending on the availability of ingredients~ [Menu example 12/1-12/30] Seasonal dish Steamed crab with miso sauce Crab sticks Enoki mushroom Mitsuba Yuzu small dish Seaweed-flavored potato salad Boiled Chinese cabbage and horenso Dried small sardines Main dish <Please choose one fish or meat dish> Fish dish Butter-grilled winter cod and radish Sake lees stew sauce Various vegetables Simmered yellowtail and radish Mixed green onions Yuzu *For fish dishes, one of the above two dishes will be served weekly Meat dish Deep-fried Oyama chicken and fried rice cakes with shaved ice sauce Uranchi Nameko Yuzu Today's sashimi Deep-fried food Shrimp-filled chrysanthemum and onion tempura Rice with spring water Shijimi miso soup Pickles [Menu example 1/10-1/31] Seasonal dish: Yuzu chawanmushi, crab meatballs, mitsuba, silver bean paste Small bowl: Boiled Chinese cabbage and horenso Soybeans and hijiki Gomoku bean main dish <Please choose one fish or meat dish> Fish dish: Kajiki tuna teriyaki, first frost cream, winter radish, uranji, simmered silver cod, tofu, maitake mushroom tempura, yuzu *For fish dishes, one of the above two dishes will be served weekly Meat dish: Beef tofu - stewed offal style - Onion, bamboo leek, yuzu Today's sashimi fried dish: Winter vegetables and small shrimp tempura Meal: Gensen rice, clam miso soup, pickles *Additional orders: Dessert: ¥700 Additional soba noodles: ¥800 per person
Ngày Hiệu lực
01 Thg 10 2023 ~
T2, T3, T4, T5, T6
Bữa trưa
Giới hạn dặt món
1 ~ 4
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[Lunch course] Kaiseki course "Hana"
¥ 7.000
(Giá sau phí dịch vụ & thuế)
[Lunch course] Kaiseki course "Hana"
- The menu may change depending on the availability of ingredients - [Sample menu 12/1-12/30] Appetizers, stewed puffer fish skin, winter solstice castella, raisins, camellia salmon, flying fish roe, small sea bream, unagi sashimi, cream cheese sea bream sake kasuga soup, white miso, white fish Matsumae roll, yuzu tofu, winter maple leaves and carrot sashimi, today's sashimi, various simmered garnishes, taro buns with yuzu miso, soft simmered conger eel, simmered Chinese cabbage, yuzu needle main dish, butter-grilled winter cod and radish, sake lees stew, various vegetables, rice with crab sauce, salmon roe, shiitake mushrooms, green onions, shellfish, clam miso soup, pickles, today's dessert [Sample menu 1/10-1/31] Appetizers, simmered herring, eggplant boiled in oil Boiled plum and gluten in honey, rape blossom salmon roll, Chinese ink sprinkled, Matsukaze chicken, raisins, plum chocolate and dried almonds, mochi, cream cheese and sake kasu soup, duck meatballs with shaved ice, fried rice cakes, maitake mushrooms, konnyaku, crab meat, plum and carrot sashimi, sashimi of the day, various grilled garnishes, Kajiki tuna teriyaki, first frost cream, winter radish, uranji, stew, En's special boiled ponzu, meal, eel dashi broth chazuke, bubu arare, seaweed, Arima sansho pepper, pickles, and today's dessert
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Giới hạn dặt món
1 ~ 4
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[Value for money lunch] Kaiseki course “Hana” ~ Cheers with sparkling wine ~
¥ 8.100
¥ 7.400
(Giá sau phí dịch vụ & thuế)
[Value for money lunch] Kaiseki course “Hana” ~ Cheers with sparkling wine ~
[Sample menu 12/1-12/30] Appetizer, boiled puffer fish skin, winter solstice castella, raisins, camellia salmon, flying fish roe, small sea bream, unagi flower sashimi, cream cheese sea bream sake kasuga soup, white miso, white fish Matsumae roll, yuzu tofu, winter autumn leaves and carrot sashimi, today's sashimi, various simmered garnishes, taro bun with yuzu miso, soft boiled conger eel, boiled Chinese cabbage, needle yuzu main dish, butter-grilled winter cod and radish, sake lees stew, various vegetables, rice with crab sauce, salmon roe, shiitake mushrooms, green onions, shellfish, clam miso soup, pickles, today's dessert [Sample menu 1/10-1/31] Appetizer, boiled herring, eggplant boiled in oil, plum and gluten simmered, rape blossom salmon roll Karasumi-mabushi, Matsukaze chicken, raisins, noshi plum chocolate and dried almonds, mochi, cream cheese and sake kasu soup, duck meatballs with shaved ice, fried rice cakes, maitake mushrooms, konnyaku, crab meat, plum and carrot sashimi, sashimi of the day, various grilled garnishes, Kajiki tuna teriyaki, first frost cream, winter radish, uranji, stew, En's special boiled ponzu, meal, eel dashi broth chazuke, bubu arare, seaweed, Arima sansho pepper, pickles, and today's dessert
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Giới hạn dặt món
1 ~ 4
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[Weekday Lunch Course] Hakoniwa ~HACONIWA~ A course that boasts homemade handmade soba noodles
¥ 4.500
(Giá sau phí dịch vụ & thuế)
[Weekday Lunch Course] Hakoniwa ~HACONIWA~ A course that boasts homemade handmade soba noodles
- The menu may change depending on the availability of ingredients - [Menu example 12/1-12/30] Appetizer Crab miso steamed in chawan (steamed bowl) Crab meat Crab meatballs Soy milk skin platter Winter yellowtail grilled with saikyo sauce Flower lotus root Boiled pufferfish skin gelatin Winter solstice castella Raisin Grapes Camellia salmon Flying fish roe Roast beef Colorful vegetables stewed in tomato Sauce Chinese cabbage and lotus root Dried small sardines Small sea bream and unagi flower sashimi Cream cheese sea bream sake kasuri sashimi Sashimi of the day Various stewed garnishes En's special boiled and deep-fried ponzu Small shrimp with chrysanthemum and onion tempura Chicken tempura Meal Hand-made soba noodles [Menu example 1/10-1/31] Appetizer Shark fin and yuzu chawan (steamed egg custard) Crab meatballs Small bok choy Tortoiseshell bean paste in a small box, simmered herring, eggplant in oil, plum and gluten in honey, rape blossom salmon roll, Chinese ink sprinkled, thick yuba, fresh sea urchin, yam, wasabi, Matsukaze chicken, raisins, soybeans and hijiki with five-colored soybeans, conch shell roasted in sake, noshi plum chocolate and dried almonds, mochi, cream cheese sake kasuri sashimi, today's sashimi, various simmered garnishes, En's special boiled and deep-fried ponzu, fried monkfish, lion pepper, red radish, ponzu sauce, handmade soba noodles *Additional orders "Dessert" and "After-meal drink coffee or tea" ¥1,000
Ngày Hiệu lực
01 Thg 3 2022 ~ 30 Thg 12 2022, 10 Thg 1 2023 ~ 30 Thg 4 2023, 08 Thg 5 2023 ~
T2, T3, T4, T5, T6
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Giới hạn dặt món
1 ~ 4
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[Weekday lunch set] Isshungosai
¥ 3.000
(Giá sau phí dịch vụ & thuế)
[Weekday lunch set] Isshungosai
~The menu may change depending on the availability of ingredients~ [Menu example 12/1-12/30] Seasonal dish Steamed crab with miso sauce Crab sticks Enoki mushroom Mitsuba Yuzu small dish Seaweed-flavored potato salad Boiled Chinese cabbage and horenso Dried small sardines Main dish <Please choose one fish or meat dish> Fish dish Butter-grilled winter cod and radish Sake lees stew sauce Various vegetables Simmered yellowtail and radish Mixed green onions Yuzu *For fish dishes, one of the above two dishes will be served weekly Meat dish Deep-fried Oyama chicken and fried rice cakes with shaved ice sauce Uranchi Nameko Yuzu Today's sashimi Deep-fried food Shrimp-filled chrysanthemum and onion tempura Rice with spring water Shijimi miso soup Pickles [Menu example 1/10-1/31] Seasonal dish: Yuzu chawanmushi, crab meatballs, mitsuba, silver bean paste Small bowl: Boiled Chinese cabbage and horenso Soybeans and hijiki Gomoku bean main dish <Please choose one fish or meat dish> Fish dish: Kajiki tuna teriyaki, first frost cream, winter radish, uranji, simmered cod, tofu, maitake mushroom tempura, yuzu *For fish dishes, one of the above two dishes will be served weekly Meat dish: Beef tofu - stewed offal style - Onion, bamboo scallion, yuzu Today's sashimi fried dish: Winter vegetables and small shrimp tempura Meal: Gensen rice, clam miso soup, pickles *Additional orders: "Dessert" and "After-meal drink coffee or tea" ¥1,000 Additional soba noodles ¥800 per person
Ngày Hiệu lực
01 Thg 10 2023 ~
T2, T3, T4, T5, T6
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Giới hạn dặt món
1 ~ 4
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【Weekend Lunch】”HACONIWA” JPY 5,000!!
¥ 5.000
(Giá sau phí dịch vụ & thuế)
【Weekend Lunch】”HACONIWA” JPY 5,000!!
▪Small Bowl
▪Simmered Dish
▪Rice Dish
▪Today’s Dessert
Ngày Hiệu lực
01 Thg 5 2023 ~ 02 Thg 5 2023
Bữa trưa
Giới hạn dặt món
1 ~ 4
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【Weekend Lunch】”Edo-Gohaku” JPY 3500!!
¥ 3.500
(Giá sau phí dịch vụ & thuế)
【Weekend Lunch】”Edo-Gohaku” JPY 3500!!
▪Small Bowl
▪Simmered Dish
▪Rice Dish
▪Today’s Dessert
Ngày Hiệu lực
01 Thg 5 2023 ~ 02 Thg 5 2023
Bữa trưa
Giới hạn dặt món
1 ~ 4
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[Holiday lunch course] Hakoniwa~HACONIWA~ A course featuring homemade soba noodles
¥ 5.500
(Giá sau phí dịch vụ & thuế)
[Holiday lunch course] Hakoniwa~HACONIWA~ A course featuring homemade soba noodles
- The menu may change depending on the availability of ingredients - [Menu example 12/1-12/30] Appetizer: Steamed crab with miso sauce, crab meat, crab meatballs, yuba, Enoki mushrooms in a box, grilled yellowtail with Saikyo sauce, flower lotus root, stewed pufferfish skin, winter solstice castella, raisins, camellia salmon, flying fish roe, roast beef, colorful vegetables stewed in tomato sauce, Chinese cabbage and lotus root salad, dried small sardines, small sea bream and unagi flower sashimi, cream cheese sea bream sake kasuri sashimi, today's sashimi, various stewed garnishes, En's special boiled and deep-fried ponzu, small shrimp with chrysanthemum and onion tempura, chicken tempura, meal: handmade soba noodles, today's dessert, coffee or tea [Menu example 1/10-1/31] Appetizer: Shark fin and yuzu chawanmushi, crab meatballs, small bok choy Tortoiseshell paste in a small box, simmered herring, eggplant in oil, plum and gluten in honey, rape blossom salmon roll, Chinese ink sprinkled, thick yuba, fresh sea urchin, yam, wasabi, Matsukaze chicken, raisins, soybeans and hijiki with five-bean paste, conch shell roasted in sake, noshi plum chocolate and dried almonds, mochi, cream cheese sake kasuri sushi, sushi of the day, various simmered garnishes, En's special boiled and deep-fried ponzu, fried monkfish, lion pepper, red grated daikon radish, ponzu sauce, handmade soba noodles, dessert of the day, coffee or tea
Ngày Hiệu lực
01 Thg 10 2023 ~
T7, CN, Hol
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Giới hạn dặt món
1 ~ 4
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【Weekend Lunch】”Edo-Gohaku” JPY 3500
¥ 3.500
(Giá sau phí dịch vụ & thuế)
【Weekend Lunch】”Edo-Gohaku” JPY 3500
- The menu may change depending on the availability of ingredients - [Menu example 11/1-11/30] Small dish Crab meatball chawanmushi Simmered dish with colorful chrysanthemum bean paste Simmered and fried kiriboshi daikon radish Fall vegetables and shrimp tempura Kisu tempura Simmered cheese satsumaage Simmered sea bream jaw Balsamic flavored sea bream chazuke Sea bream sashimi with sesame soy sauce Source rice Condiments [Menu example 12/1-12/30] Small dish Crab miso chawanmushi Crab jaw Enoki mushroom Mitsuba Yuzu simmered Taro bun with yuzu miso Boiled Chinese cabbage Needle yuzu deep-fried dish Shungiku and onion tempura with small shrimp Grilled chicken tempura Grilled sea bream jaw with Japanese pepper Sea bream chazuke Sea bream sashimi with sesame soy sauce, spring water rice, condiments *Additional orders "Dessert" and "After-meal drink coffee or tea" ¥1,000 Additional soba noodles ¥800 per person
Ngày Hiệu lực
~ 04 Thg 1 2025
T7, CN, Hol
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Giới hạn dặt món
1 ~ 4
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¥ 4.180
(Giá sau phí dịch vụ & thuế)
- The menu may change depending on the availability of ingredients - [Menu example 11/1-11/30] Small dish Crab meatball chawanmushi Simmered dish with colorful chrysanthemum bean paste Simmered and fried kiriboshi daikon radish Fall vegetables and shrimp tempura Kisu tempura Simmered cheese satsumaage Simmered sea bream jaw Balsamic flavored sea bream chazuke Sea bream sashimi with sesame soy sauce Source rice Condiments [Menu example 12/1-12/30] Small dish Crab miso chawanmushi Crab jaw Enoki mushroom Mitsuba Yuzu simmered Taro bun with yuzu miso Boiled Chinese cabbage Needle yuzu deep-fried dish Shungiku and onion tempura with small shrimp Grilled chicken tempura Grilled sea bream jaw with Japanese pepper Sea bream chazuke Sea bream sashimi with sesame soy sauce, spring water rice, condiments *Additional orders "Dessert" and "After-meal drink coffee or tea" ¥1,000 Additional soba noodles ¥800 per person
Ngày Hiệu lực
10 Thg 1 2025 ~
T7, CN, Hol
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Giới hạn dặt món
1 ~ 4
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¥ 3.300
(Giá sau phí dịch vụ & thuế)
- The menu may change depending on the availability of ingredients - [Menu example 11/1-11/30] Small dish Crab meatball chawanmushi Simmered dish with colorful chrysanthemum bean paste Simmered and fried kiriboshi daikon radish Fall vegetables and shrimp tempura Kisu tempura Simmered cheese satsumaage Simmered sea bream jaw Balsamic flavored sea bream chazuke Sea bream sashimi with sesame soy sauce Source rice Condiments [Menu example 12/1-12/30] Small dish Crab miso chawanmushi Crab jaw Enoki mushroom Mitsuba Yuzu simmered Taro bun with yuzu miso Boiled Chinese cabbage Needle yuzu deep-fried dish Shungiku and onion tempura with small shrimp Grilled chicken tempura Grilled sea bream jaw with Japanese pepper Sea bream chazuke Sea bream sashimi with sesame soy sauce, spring water rice, condiments *Additional orders "Dessert" and "After-meal drink coffee or tea" ¥1,000 Additional soba noodles ¥800 per person
Ngày Hiệu lực
10 Thg 1 2025 ~
T7, CN, Hol
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Giới hạn dặt món
1 ~ 4
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[Golden Week limited lunch set] Isshun Sansai ~Dessert set included~
¥ 3.300
(Giá sau phí dịch vụ & thuế)
[Golden Week limited lunch set] Isshun Sansai ~Dessert set included~
[Menu example 5/3-5/6] Seasonal dish: Yomogi tofu, crab sticks, wasabi, small bowl, minced chicken, meat and potatoes, daikon and mizuna plum salad, salted kelp main dish <Please choose one fish or meat dish> Fish dish: Grilled Spanish mackerel with salted koji oil and topped with Satsuki cream, deep-fried Sakura shrimp, grilled tomatoes, mashed potatoes, Satsuki snapper and clams simmered in salt water, Japanese-style aqua pazza, cabbage, onion, cherry tomatoes *For fish dishes, one of the above two dishes will be served weekly. Meat dish: Matsusaka pork salted koji low-temperature roast, colorful vegetables with Kinzanji miso, Meal: Gensen rice, clam miso soup, pickles, dessert of the day, coffee or tea
Ngày Hiệu lực
03 Thg 5 ~ 06 Thg 5
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Giới hạn dặt món
1 ~ 4
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[Dinner] Special course “HANABI” for special occasions
¥ 25.000
(Giá sau phí dịch vụ & thuế)
-- Số lượng --
[Dinner] Special course “HANABI” for special occasions
Below is the basic menu for 25,000 yen.
[Sample menu 12/1-12/20, 12/26-12/30] First dish: 1. Roast beef, colorful vegetables stewed in tomato sauce, 2. Winter solstice castella, raisins, 1. Simmered pufferfish skin, 2. Camellia salmon, flying fish roe, 2. Small sea bream and unagi sashimi, 3. Boiled Chinese cabbage and horenso grass, dried small sardines, 4. Yuzu tofu with yuzu miso sauce, 5. Cream cheese and sea bream sake kasu sauce, 6. En's special boiled ponzu, seasonal dish: Steamed tilefish and turnip, carrot, wood ear mushroom, ginkgo, lily root, silver bean paste sashimi, whole lobster sashimi and five kinds of seasonal sashimi platter, Grilled dish: Grilled Niigata red snow crab shell, served on a charcoal grill, with crab miso dressing, vinegared orange main dish, grilled black-haired Japanese beef and black abalone, root vegetable rice crackers, 7. Edomae tempura and En's special handmade soba noodles Today's dessert [Menu example 1/10-1/31] First dish 1. Boiled herring, eggplant boiled in oil, plum and gluten honey boiled 2. Eel and inari sushi roll 3. Rape blossom salmon roll, Chinese ink sprinkled 4. Matsukaze chicken, raisins 5. Noshi plum chocolate and dried almonds in mochi 6. Thick yuba, raw sea urchin, Chinese yam, wasabi 7. Cream cheese with sake kasu 8. Soybeans and hijiki with five-bean soup, conch sake roasted 1. En's special boiled ponzu Seasonal dish Shark fin yuzu chawanmushi, raw sea urchin, small bok choy, tortoiseshell paste sushi, whole lobster sushi and five kinds of seasonal sashimi assortment Grilled Managattsu Yuan-yaki, persimmon pickles, kumquat simmered in honey Main dish Grilled Japanese Black Beef and Black Abalone, Root Vegetable Rice Crackers, Edomae Tempura and Enishi's Special Hand-made Soba, Today's Dessert *The menu may change depending on the availability of ingredients.
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[Dinner] Dinner course “Saika” where you can enjoy luxury ingredients
¥ 15.000
(Giá sau phí dịch vụ & thuế)
[Dinner] Dinner course “Saika” where you can enjoy luxury ingredients
- The menu may change depending on the availability of ingredients - [Menu example 12/1-12/20, 12/26-12/30] First dish 1. Roast beef, colorful vegetables stewed in tomato sauce, 2. Winter solstice castella, raisins, 3. Simmered blowfish skin, 4. Camellia salmon, flying fish roe, 5. Small sea bream and unagi flower sauce, 6. Boiled Chinese cabbage and horenso, dried small sardines, 7. Yuzu tofu with yuzu miso sauce, 8. Cream cheese sea bream sake kasu sauce, 9. En's special boiled sashimi, spiny lobster sashimi, today's assorted sashimi, fish dish, Spanish mackerel and turnip - Served on a hot stone - Japanese pepper miso, mixed green onions, Arima Japanese pepper meat dish, seared black wagyu beef and winter vegetables, served with En's special tamari soy sauce sauce, today's meal, today's dessert with spiny lobster miso soup [Sample menu 1/10~1/31] First dish: 1. Boiled herring, eggplant boiled in oil, plum and gluten simmered in honey, 2. Eel and inari sushi roll, 3. Rape blossom salmon roll, Chinese ink sprinkled, 4. Matsukaze chicken, raisins, 5. Noshi plum chocolate and dried almonds in mochi, 6. Soft soybean skin, fresh sea urchin, yam, wasabi, 7. Cream cheese with sake kasuri sauce, 8. Gomoku beans with soybeans and hijiki, roasted conch in sake, 9. En's special boiled sashimi, whole spiny lobster sashimi, assorted sashimi of the day, fish dish, boiled cod, tofu, maitake mushroom tempura, yuzu meat dish, seared black wagyu beef and winter vegetables, served with En's special tamari soy sauce, today's meal, today's dessert with spiny lobster miso soup
Bữa tối
Giới hạn dặt món
1 ~ 4
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[Anniversary] Celebrate with a special whole cake ~ All 6 courses come with a toasting drink! ~
¥ 11.500
(Giá sau phí dịch vụ & thuế)
[Anniversary] Celebrate with a special whole cake ~ All 6 courses come with a toasting drink! ~
~The menu may change depending on the availability of ingredients~ [Menu example 12/1-12/13] First dish 1. Roast beef, colorful vegetables stewed in tomato sauce, 2. Winter solstice castella, raisins, 3. Simmered blowfish skin, 4. Camellia salmon, flying fish roe, 5. Small sea bream, unagi flower sauce, 6. Boiled Chinese cabbage and horenso, dried small sardines, 7. Yuzu tofu with yuzu miso sauce, 8. Cream cheese sea bream sake kasu sauce, 9. En's special boiled ponzu Today's sashimi Today's sashimi Various fish dishes as garnishes Yellowtail and radish stew Mixed leeks Yuzu meat dish Deep-fried Oyama chicken and fried rice cakes with shaved ice sauce Uranchi Nameko Yuzu Today's meal [Menu example 1/10-1/31] First dish 1. Boiled herring Eggplant in oil 1. Eel and inari sushi roll with plum and honey 2. Rape blossom salmon roll with ink 3. Matsukaze chicken with raisins 4. Noshi plum chocolate and dried almonds in a mochi 5. Soft soybean skin with fresh sea urchin, yam, wasabi 6. Cream cheese with sake kasuga 7. Soybeans and hijiki with five-bean soup and steamed conch in sake 8. En's special boiled sashimi Today's sashimi Various fish dishes as garnishes Boiled silver cod Tofu Maitake mushroom tempura Yuzu meat dish Beef tofu - stewed offal style - Onion, bamboo scallion, yuzu Today's meal dessert Pastry chef's special whole cake After-meal coffee or tea
Bữa tối
Giới hạn dặt món
2 ~ 4
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[Dinner course] Yukuri no Ni no Osai ~Includes 2 types of sake carefully selected by a sake taster~
¥ 8.500
¥ 8.000
(Giá sau phí dịch vụ & thuế)
[Dinner course] Yukuri no Ni no Osai ~Includes 2 types of sake carefully selected by a sake taster~
~The menu may change depending on the availability of ingredients~ [Menu example 12/1-12/20, 12/26-12/30] First dish 1. Roast beef, colorful vegetables stewed in tomato sauce, 2. Winter solstice castella, raisins, 3. Simmered pufferfish skin, 4. Camellia salmon, flying fish roe, 5. Small sea bream and unagi flower sashimi, 6. Boiled Chinese cabbage and horenso, dried small sardines, 7. Yuzu tofu with yuzu miso sauce, 8. Cream cheese sea bream sake kasu sauce, 9. En's special boiled sashimi, today's sashimi, various fried dishes, seasonal vegetable tempura, main dish, butter-grilled winter cod and radish, sake lees stew, various vegetables [Menu example 1/10-1/31] First dish 1. Boiled herring, eggplant boiled in oil, simmered plum and gluten honey 1. Eel and inari sushi roll 2. Rape blossom salmon roll with ink 3. Matsukaze chicken with raisins 4. Noshi plum chocolate and dried almonds in a monaka 5. Thick yuba with fresh sea urchin, yam, wasabi 6. Cream cheese with sake kasuga 7. Soybeans and hijiki with five-colored beans and conch sake roasted 8. En's special boiled sashimi Today's sashimi Various fried dishes as garnishes Seasonal vegetable tempura Main dish Kajiki tuna teriyaki First frost cream Winter radish Uranchi *You can also add meals and desserts from the single menu Handmade soba 1,760 yen Ochazuke 1,430 yen etc.
Bữa tối
Giới hạn dặt món
1 ~ 4
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[Dinner course] Yukuri no Ginseng side dish (comes with 2 types of sake carefully selected by a sake taster)
¥ 10.500
¥ 10.000
(Giá sau phí dịch vụ & thuế)
[Dinner course] Yukuri no Ginseng side dish (comes with 2 types of sake carefully selected by a sake taster)
~The menu may change depending on the availability of ingredients~ [Menu example 12/1-12/20, 12/26-12/30] First dish 1. Roast beef, colorful vegetables stewed in tomato sauce, 2. Winter solstice castella, raisins, 3. Simmered blowfish skin, 4. Camellia salmon, flying fish roe, 5. Small sea bream, unagi flower sauce, 6. Boiled Chinese cabbage and horenso, dried small sardines, 7. Yuzu tofu with yuzu miso sauce, 8. Cream cheese sea bream sake kasu sauce, 9. En's special boiled ponzu Today's sashimi Today's sashimi Various fish dishes as garnishes Yellowtail and radish stew Mixed leeks Yuzu meat dish Deep-fried Oyama chicken and fried rice cakes with shaved ice sauce Uranchi Nameko Yuzu Today's meal [Menu example 1/10-1/31] First dish 1. Boiled herring 1. Eggplant boiled in oil, plum and gluten honey simmered, 2. Eel and inari sushi roll, 3. Rape blossom salmon roll, ink-covered, 4. Matsukaze chicken, raisins, 5. Noshi plum chocolate and dried almonds in mochi, 6. Soft soybean skin, fresh sea urchin, yam, wasabi, 7. Cream cheese with sake kasuga, 8. Soybeans and hijiki with five-bean soup, conch sake-fried, 1. En's special boiled sashimi, today's sashimi, various fish dishes, garnish, boiled silver cod, tofu, maitake mushroom tempura, yuzu meat dish, beef tofu - stewed offal style - onion, bamboo scallion, yuzuToday's meal
Bữa tối
Giới hạn dặt món
1 ~ 4
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[Dinner] Kaiseki course “Nagomi” ~ Sparkling wine included ~
¥ 10.100
¥ 9.500
(Giá sau phí dịch vụ & thuế)
[Dinner] Kaiseki course “Nagomi” ~ Sparkling wine included ~
- The menu may change depending on the availability of ingredients - [Sample menu 11/1-11/30] Appetizer Steamed gizzard with Worcestershire sauce Grilled green onion Rikyu mayonnaise Herring eggplant Thick omelette with walnuts Deep fried maitake mushrooms Tomato miso sauce Shrimp pickled in koji Kudzu maple Matsuba soba Today's nigiri sushi in a bowl White miso soup Lotus root mochi Eel wrapped in yuba soy milk Scattered chrysanthemum sashimi Today's sashimi Various grilled garnishes Autumn salmon grilled with Shinshu grated yam Salmon roe Maple leaves Simmered in soba broth En's special duck simmered Meal Rice with soybean minced meat sauce Japanese style curry sauce Shijimi miso soup Pickles Today's dessert [Sample menu 12/1-12/20, 12/26-12/30] Appetizer Boiled puffer fish skin and knotty fish Winter solstice castella, raisins, camellia salmon, flying fish roe, small sea bream with unagi sashimi, cream cheese sea bream with sake kasuri sauce, shrimp marinated in koji, caviar soup, sweet sea bream Matsumae roll, homemade fried tofu, seared karasumi sushi, sushi of the day, various simmered garnishes, En's special boiled and grilled ponzu, butter-grilled winter cod and radish, sake lees stew with bean paste, various vegetable dishes, rice with crab paste, salmon roe, shiitake mushrooms, green onions, wracked shellfish, clam miso soup, pickles and dessert of the day
Bữa tối
Giới hạn dặt món
1 ~ 4
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[Dinner] Authentic seasonal kaiseki course prepared by the chef “Yukuri” ~ Sparkling wine included ~
¥ 13.100
¥ 12.500
(Giá sau phí dịch vụ & thuế)
[Dinner] Authentic seasonal kaiseki course prepared by the chef “Yukuri” ~ Sparkling wine included ~
- The menu may change depending on the availability of ingredients - [Menu example 12/1-12/20, 12/26-12/30] Appetizer, stewed puffer fish skin, winter solstice castella, raisins, camellia salmon, flying fish roe, small sea bream and unagi sashimi, cream cheese sea bream sake kasugare, shrimp koji pickled, caviar soup, sweet sea bream Matsumae roll, homemade fried tofu, seared karasumi sushi, sushi of the day, various garnishes, steamed crab miso tea bowl, crab meat, crab meatballs, yuba, medium plate of enoki mushrooms, roast beef, colorful vegetables stewed in tomato sauce, Spanish mackerel and turnip - served on a hot stone - Japanese pepper miso, mixed green onions, Arima Japanese pepper fried food, Edomae tempura, meal, handmade soba dessert [Menu example 1/10-1/31] Appetizer Shark fin and yuzu chawanmushi, raw sea urchin, small bok choy, tortoiseshell paste appetizer, simmered herring, eggplant boiled in oil, plum and gluten simmered in honey, rape blossom salmon roll, Chinese ink sprinkled, Matsukaze chicken, raisins, noshi plum chocolate and dried almonds, mochi, cream cheese and sake kasu sauce, eel and inari sushi roll, hajikami soup, duck meatballs with shaved ice, fried rice cakes, maitake mushrooms, new bamboo shoots, crab meat, plum and carrot sushi, sushi of the day, various grilled garnishes, pomfret yuan grilled, persimmon pickles, kumquat honey simmered dish, beef tofu - stewed offal style - onion, scallion, yuzu deep fried dish, fried monkfish and monkfish liver tossed in spring skin, handmade soba noodles and today's dessert
Bữa tối
Giới hạn dặt món
1 ~ 4
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[Dinner course] Yukuri no Ni side dishes (Osai)
¥ 6.500
(Giá sau phí dịch vụ & thuế)
[Dinner course] Yukuri no Ni side dishes (Osai)
~The menu may change depending on the availability of ingredients~ [Menu example 12/1-12/20, 12/26-12/30] First dish 1. Roast beef, colorful vegetables stewed in tomato sauce, 2. Winter solstice castella, raisins, 3. Simmered blowfish skin, 4. Camellia salmon, flying fish roe, 5. Small sea bream, unagi flower sashimi, 6. Boiled Chinese cabbage and horenso, dried small sardines, 7. Yuzu tofu with yuzu miso sauce, 8. Cream cheese sea bream sake kasu sauce, 9. En's special boiled sashimi Today's sashimi, various fried dishes for garnish, seasonal vegetable tempura, main dish, butter-grilled winter cod and radish, sake lees stew, various vegetables [Menu example 1/10-1/31] First dish 1. Boiled herring, eggplant boiled in oil, boiled plum and gluten honey 1. Eel and inari sushi roll 2. Rape blossom salmon roll with ink 3. Matsukaze chicken with raisins 4. Noshi plum chocolate and dried almonds in a monaka 5. Thick yuba with fresh sea urchin, yam, wasabi 6. Cream cheese with sake kasuga 7. Soybeans and hijiki with five-colored beans and conch sake roasted 8. En's special boiled sashimi Today's sashimi Various fried dishes as garnishes Seasonal vegetable tempura Main dish Kajiki tuna teriyaki First frost cream Winter radish Uranchi *You can also add meals and desserts from the single menu Handmade soba 1,760 yen Ochazuke 1,430 yen etc.
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Giới hạn dặt món
1 ~ 4
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[Dinner course] Yukuri no Ginseng side dish (Osai)
¥ 8.500
(Giá sau phí dịch vụ & thuế)
[Dinner course] Yukuri no Ginseng side dish (Osai)
~The menu may change depending on the availability of ingredients~ [Menu example 12/1-12/20, 12/26-12/30] First dish 1. Roast beef, colorful vegetables stewed in tomato sauce, 2. Winter solstice castella, raisins, 3. Simmered blowfish skin, 4. Camellia salmon, flying fish roe, 5. Small sea bream, unagi flower sauce, 6. Boiled Chinese cabbage and horenso, dried small sardines, 7. Yuzu tofu with yuzu miso sauce, 8. Cream cheese sea bream sake kasu sauce, 9. En's special boiled ponzu Today's sashimi Today's sashimi Various fish dishes as garnishes Yellowtail and radish stew Mixed leeks Yuzu meat dish Deep-fried Oyama chicken and fried rice cakes with shaved ice sauce Uranchi Nameko Yuzu Today's meal [Menu example 1/10-1/31] First dish 1. Boiled herring 1. Eggplant boiled in oil, plum and gluten honey simmered, 2. Eel and inari sushi roll, 3. Rape blossom salmon roll, ink-covered, 4. Matsukaze chicken, raisins, 5. Noshi plum chocolate and dried almonds in mochi, 6. Soft soybean skin, fresh sea urchin, yam, wasabi, 7. Cream cheese with sake kasuga, 8. Soybeans and hijiki with five-bean soup, conch sake-fried, 1. En's special boiled sashimi, today's sashimi, various fish dishes, garnish, boiled silver cod, tofu, maitake mushroom tempura, yuzu meat dish, beef tofu - stewed offal style - onion, bamboo scallion, yuzuToday's meal
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Giới hạn dặt món
1 ~ 4
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[Dinner] Kaiseki course “Nagomi”
¥ 9.000
(Giá sau phí dịch vụ & thuế)
[Dinner] Kaiseki course “Nagomi”
- The menu may change depending on the availability of ingredients - [Sample menu 11/1-11/30] Appetizer Steamed gizzard with Worcestershire sauce Grilled green onion Rikyu mayonnaise Herring eggplant Thick omelette with walnuts Deep fried maitake mushrooms Tomato miso sauce Shrimp pickled in koji Kudzu maple Matsuba soba Today's nigiri sushi in a bowl White miso soup Lotus root mochi Eel wrapped in yuba soy milk Scattered chrysanthemum sashimi Today's sashimi Various grilled garnishes Autumn salmon grilled with Shinshu grated yam Salmon roe Maple leaves Simmered in soba broth En's special duck simmered Meal Rice with soybean minced meat sauce Japanese style curry sauce Shijimi miso soup Pickles Today's dessert [Sample menu 12/1-12/20, 12/26-12/30] Appetizer Boiled puffer fish skin and knotty fish Winter solstice castella, raisins, camellia salmon, flying fish roe, small sea bream with unagi sashimi, cream cheese sea bream with sake kasuri sauce, shrimp marinated in koji, caviar soup, sweet sea bream Matsumae roll, homemade fried tofu, seared sushi, sushi of the day, various simmered garnishes, En's special boiled and grilled ponzu, butter-grilled winter cod and radish, sake lees stew with bean paste, various vegetable dishes, rice with crab paste, salmon roe, shiitake mushrooms, green onions, wakame shellfish, clam miso soup, pickles and dessert of the day
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Giới hạn dặt món
1 ~ 4
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[Dinner] Authentic seasonal Kaiseki course prepared by the chef “Yukuri”
¥ 12.000
(Giá sau phí dịch vụ & thuế)
[Dinner] Authentic seasonal Kaiseki course prepared by the chef “Yukuri”
- The menu may change depending on the availability of ingredients - [Menu example 12/1-12/20, 12/26-12/30] Appetizer, stewed puffer fish skin, winter solstice castella, raisins, camellia salmon, flying fish roe, small sea bream and unagi sashimi, cream cheese sea bream sake kasugare, shrimp koji pickled, caviar soup, sweet sea bream Matsumae roll, homemade fried tofu, seared karasumi sushi, sushi of the day, various garnishes, steamed crab miso tea bowl, crab meat, crab meatballs, yuba, medium plate of enoki mushrooms, roast beef, colorful vegetables stewed in tomato sauce, Spanish mackerel and turnip - served on a hot stone - Japanese pepper miso, mixed green onions, Arima Japanese pepper fried food, Edomae tempura, meal, handmade soba dessert [Menu example 1/10-1/31] Appetizer Shark fin and yuzu chawanmushi, raw sea urchin, small bok choy, tortoiseshell paste appetizer, simmered herring, eggplant boiled in oil, plum and gluten simmered in honey, rape blossom salmon roll, Chinese ink sprinkled, Matsukaze chicken, raisins, noshi plum chocolate and dried almonds, mochi, cream cheese and sake kasu sauce, eel and inari sushi roll, hajikami soup, duck meatballs with shaved ice, fried rice cakes, maitake mushrooms, new bamboo shoots, crab meat, plum and carrot sushi, sushi of the day, various grilled garnishes, pomfret yuan grilled, persimmon pickles, kumquat honey simmered dish, beef tofu - stewed offal style - onion, scallion, yuzu deep fried dish, fried monkfish and monkfish liver tossed in spring skin, handmade soba noodles and today's dessert
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Giới hạn dặt món
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[Take-out] Cherry-blossom viewing lunch box
【テイクアウト専用プラン お花見弁当 お茶付き】
日本料理 縁の料理長厳選の素材を使った期間限定【春のお花見弁当】はいかがでしょうか。
¥ 3.500
(Giá sau thuế)
-- Số lượng --
[Take-out] Cherry-blossom viewing lunch box
【テイクアウト専用プラン お花見弁当 お茶付き】
日本料理 縁の料理長厳選の素材を使った期間限定【春のお花見弁当】はいかがでしょうか。
Yêu cầu thanh toán trước
【期間 3/18(土)~4/2(日)※月曜日を除く】
【受渡時間】12:00~15:00 (ご予約は受け渡し時間をお選び下さい)
Chú ý
【テイクアウト可能時間】 12:00~15:00
Ngày Hiệu lực
18 Thg 3 2023 ~ 02 Thg 4 2023
T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, CN, Hol
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Giới hạn dặt món
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