Katsura Japanese Restaurant - Grand Millennium Auckland 온라인 예약

1. Teppanyaki is available Tuesdays.

2. Private Dining category can be booked only for party size of minimum 14.

3. Grand Seafood Buffet is available Wednesday and Thursday from 05:00pm, Customers can book any time, last booking 08:00pm and the Buffet will close at 09:30pm.
Grand Seafood Buffet is available Friday through Sunday evenings.
Seating 1: 5:00pm-7:00pm, Seating 2: 7:30pm to 9:30pm.
Pricing for Children (12 and under) is $57.50 (Please Note : On Special Buffets Half Price of the Adult price will be applicable), Babies (4 and under) $20.00.
this pricing is not applied for special buffet events such as NYE or Christmas Buffet Specials

4. Parking
2 hours free parking is included with bookings. please ask Katsura reception staff to validate your car park when paying. you will need your license plate number on hand for this. thank you.

5. Group Bookings
Bookings over 14 are not available online and need to be booked via email.
12세 이하
4세 이하


Please mention if you have any dietary restrictions.

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