Pesan di Chinese "Sairyu" - Yokohama Bay Sheraton Hotel & Towers

■About the menu: Depending on the availability of ingredients, some dishes may change, or the contents and presentation may change. Thank you for your understanding. ■About cancellation fees: If you cancel on the day, 100% of the meal will be charged. - If you do not show up and there is no notice, 100% of the meal will be charged. ■Please check the terms and conditions of each plan when making a reservation. ■The listed prices include tax and service charges. [Restaurant general reservation line] 045-411-1188 (10:00-19:00) [Chinese cuisine "Sairyu"] 045-411-1144 (10:30-21:00) ★☆★ Please be sure to select the <Number of people>, <Date> and <Time> before viewing ★☆★ To check the latest availability, please enter the "Number of people" and the "Quantity" of your desired plan and check the calendar.
12 tahun ke bawah


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