Réserver à French Cuisine Nouvelle Epoque - The Okura Tokyo

▶Cancellations must be notified by the day before.
▶Cancellation policy
 Cancellations on the day or a no-show who fails to show up in 30 minutes after the reservation time:
 100% of the course or plan price will be charged.
 In the case of seat-only reservations, the following fees will be charged.
 Lunch: 6,000 yen x the number of people
 Dinner: 12,000 yen x the number of people

▶Menu items and the origins of ingredients are subject to change without notice.
▶Please note that it may not always be possible for us to meet your request for specific
▶If you wish to make a reservation for more than 5 people, please call us.
▶Children under 12 years old are not admitted (except private rooms).
▶Smart elegant dress code
 ※Gentlemen are required to wear jackets.

Telephone:+81(3) 3505-6073


Are you a member of One Harmony?
If so, please enter your membership number.
If you have any food allergies, please specify.


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