Đặt bàn tại LA TRACE

The latest business information will be announced on the official website .
✽ Closed: Sundays (irregular holidays)

We will guide you according to the times and details below.
✽Normal business hours
Dinner time: 18:00-22:00 (LO 20:00)
* Online reservations are available from 18:00 to 19:30.
* Due to the limited number of seats, one group can be booked up to 4 people in principle.

Please confirm the following when making a reservation.
◇ We do not charge a service fee.
◇ Please refrain from wearing perfume with a strong scent.
◇Please refrain from wearing excessively light clothing such as tank tops, shorts, and beach sandals in the summer.
◇Our standard is that children aged 10 and over can enjoy the same course meal as adults until the end.
◇ We have the following cancellation policy.
(The day before: 50% of the course fee / On the day: 100% of the course fee)

Yêu cầu

If you have any food allergies, please fill in the details.
*We will do our best to accommodate allergens, but we cannot accommodate requests for dairy product allergies or cheese dislikes.
*Only allergy ingredients will be changed.

*The menu changes daily depending on the availability of ingredients.
Example: 1 person with a shellfish allergy is sick. Cooked extract is OK.
Example: 1 person with an egg allergy, a binder is OK.
Example: Both of us don't like garlic, so it's not like we can't eat it.

Chi tiết Khách

Mật khẩu quá ngắn (tối thiểu 8 ký tự)
Mật khẩu quá yếu
Mật khẩu Phải có ít nhất một chữ in hoa, một chữ thường, một số, và một biểu tượng.
Mật khẩu không được chứa một phần của Email.
Mật khẩu không khớp với xác nhận
Bằng cách gửi biểu mẫu này, bạn đồng ý với điều khoản và chính sách liên quan.