Southern Tower Dining - HOTEL CENTURY SOUTHERN TOWER 온라인 예약

● Please specify how many “Adults”, “Children” and “Toddlers” are in your party.
● Reservations can be made for up to 20 people.
● Please specify the purpose of your reservation (birthday etc.).
● We do not accept seating request.
● We do our best to accommodate your dietary needs. Please state any food related allergies or any other dietary needs that you or any members might have in the box below:
*You may be contacted by our restaurant team to confirm your requests.

Late or no-show policies :
● Please call the restaurant directly if you are running late for your reservation. Your reservation may be cancelled or your table might be allocated to other guests if you have not arrived within 20 minutes of your reservation.
● A 100% cancellation charge applies for no-shows.

- Two hours limited for lunch time.
- All tables are non-smoking.

Kindly note that we might not be able to accommodate your requests.
12세 이하
5세 이하




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