French Restaurant Le Champ d’Or - Hotel Okura Fukuoka 온라인 예약

We are currently temporarily closed. *Wine Academy will be held.
Business hours:
Friday 17:30-20:00
Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays 11:30-14:30/17:00-21:00
*Last order: Lunch 14:00/Dinner 20:00
◇Reservations for 3 or more people And requests for private rooms are accepted by phone. ◇In the case of use including preschool children, we will guide you to a private room.
◇You are not allowed to enter the store wearing shorts or sandals.
◆Please contact us directly by phone regarding reservations, cancellations, and changes on the day.
TEL.092-262-1176 (Restaurant Reservation 10:00-18:00)


Are you a member of One Harmony?
Customers with food allergy should fill in the request column.

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