FIKA CAFÉ Lagom (takeout) / Fairfield by Marriott Sapporo 온라인 예약

Thank you very much for always using Fika Cafe Lagom. Our shop is operating as a Hokkaido infectious disease countermeasures certified store, and we ask for your continued cooperation in preventing infectious diseases. Various menus can also be viewed on our website. ➤ FIKA CAFÉ Lagom's website is accepting reservations for in-store dining such as Fika afternoon tea and bread lunches here . Please contact us. Inquiries FIKA CAFÉ Lagom direct TEL: 011-242-8703 Inquiry time to the store: [10:00 to 18:30] 〚LINE friend registration〛Shop</b> card benefits and advantageous information are distributed. ➤ Click here to register for LINE


Please let us know if you have any allergies. (Example: Apple allergy, etc.) [Note! 】Please fill in only allergies. Please note that we cannot respond to all products.

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