Katsukichi Hibiya International Building 온라인 예약

■ For customers with the following reservations, please contact the store directly. Reservation on the dayReservation for more than 13 peopleReservation for lunch box Inquiries by phone: 03-6205-4919 [Reservation of the course] ■ Seats are not specified. Please note. ■ If you do not contact us after 15minutes of your reservation, please be sure to contact us if you are late as it may be unavoidable. ■ The number of courses can be changed or canceled up to the previous day. ■ Business Hours [Monday to Friday] 11:00~16:00(L.O.15:00)17:00~22:00(L.O.21:00)

* [Regarding seats for visitors] Even if the reserved seats on this site are full, we will reserve seats for visitors separately. During opening hours (11:00 and 17:00), you can often be seated without lining up. Thank you very much.
12세 이하


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