[Measures to prevent the spread of new coronavirus infection] At this restaurant, we are taking the following measures for the health and safety of our customers.・ Arrangement of seats in consideration of the space between seats ・ Wearing masks for staff ・ Installation of disinfectant solution at the entrance of the store ・ Disinfection of tables and menus ・ Installation of air purifiers ・ Exchange with cash trays at the time of payment [Request to customers] ・Please disinfect your hands with alcohol when you enter the store.・ We may check your body temperature and physical condition.・ Customers who have a fever or who are not in good physical condition may be refused entry. ------------------------------------------ ◆ At the time of booking, adults and seniors Please enter the number of children (65 years old and over), children (elementary school students), and infants (3 years old and over) and select a plan. ◆ If you are a child under 3 years old and need to prepare a seat, please do not include it in the above number and enter the number in the request column. ◆ Please note that we may not be able to meet your request regarding seat selection. ◆ If you are more than 30 minutes late from your reservation time, we may automatically cancel your reservation. ◆ Reservations for 13 people or more can be made by phone. ◆ All seats are non-smoking.
12 ans et moins
6 ans et moins


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