احجز في Tonkatsu Jun-chan/ THE AOYAMA GRAND HOTEL

<Notice> Please note that the restaurant menu may change without notice.

<Business hours>
12:00-16:30 Close (Food LO 15:00 / Drink LO 16:00) Only open for lunch.

▶We may not be able to accommodate your request for specific seats.
▶Reservations for 5 or more people must be made by phone.
▶︎If you are unable to make an online reservation, please contact us by phone. We may be able to provide you with a seat.
▶We apologize for the inconvenience, but seats are limited to 90 minutes.
▶We ask that you refrain from bringing preschool children to the restaurant. (Only elementary school students and above)
▶The hotel parking lot has a limited number of spaces. Please note that it may be full. (3,000 yen / maximum 3 hours) Thank you for your understanding of the above.

Phone reception: 10:00-22:00
Phone inquiries: 03-6271-5429


If you are a CRANE MEMBERS member, please fill in the name of the store where you will be holding your wedding. *CRANE MEMBERS is a membership service for customers who will hold or have held a wedding at hotels and restaurants operated by Plan Do See Co., Ltd. In order to apply the CRANE MEMBERS discount, you must present your web membership card (QR code) when you visit the store, and we will read it to verify your identity. Please be prepared to present your QR code when you visit. >>> ■ Click here for details ■ <<< *If you are not a member, there is no need to fill in this form.
If you are a Crane Member, please enter the date of your wedding
(e.g. March 1, 2011)

بيانات الضيف

محتوى كلمة المرور أقصر من اللّازم (الحد الأدنى هو 8 حروف)
كلمة المرور ضعيفة جدا
يجب أن تحتوى على الأقل على حرف كبير وحرف صغير ورقم واحد ورمز واحد.
يجب ألا يحتوي على جزء من البريد الإلكتروني.
محتوى تأكيد كلمة المرور لا يتوافق مع تأكيد كلمة المرور
ب تقديم هذا النموذج، فإنك توافق على الشروط والسياسات ذات الصلة.