Đặt bàn tại La Villa LUPICIA Restaurant

We will be closed from November 5th (Tue) to November 12th(Tue), 2024 for facility maintenance.
For detailed business schedules, please kindly check our website business calendar.

2024 Lunch Until November 4th (Mon)
Business hours: 11:30~15:00 (LO 14:30)
* From October 2nd (Wed) to November 4th (Mon),
Business hours: 11:30~14:30 (LO 14:00).
* Please note that we cannot accept reservations on weekends, holiday seasons.

▷Summer dinner business
2024 March 20th (Wed) to November 4th (Mon)
Business hours: 17:30~21:30 (LO 21:00)
* We will be open without any holidays until September 30th (Mon).
* From October 2nd (Wed) to November 4th (Mon), we are closed on every Tuesdays.
<Summer Cancellation Policy>
The following cancellation fees will be charged starting from the time of your reservation (scheduled visit).
(For courses: Course fee / A la carte: 3,000 yen per person)

Within 24 hours: 100%
Within 48 hours: 50%

▷Winter dinner service
The start date for reservations in the winter season has not yet been decided.
dưới 10 tuổi

Yêu cầu

If you have any dietary requirements, please inform us in advance.
If you have children, please kindly inform us how old they are. We are afraid that access to customers accompanied by children under 10 years old will be refused in winter season (~3/22).

Chi tiết Khách

Mật khẩu quá ngắn (tối thiểu 8 ký tự)
Mật khẩu quá yếu
Mật khẩu Phải có ít nhất một chữ in hoa, một chữ thường, một số, và một biểu tượng.
Mật khẩu không được chứa một phần của Email.
Mật khẩu không khớp với xác nhận
Bằng cách gửi biểu mẫu này, bạn đồng ý với điều khoản và chính sách liên quan.