Đặt bàn tại Nashiro Dining / Ryukyu Hotel & Resort Nashiro Beach

▶ For reservations of seven or more people, kindly call us directly.
▶ We cannot guarantee window tables or specific areas when taking reservations, but we will do our best to accommodate your requests.
▶ Please contact us if you are not able to arrive at the estimated time of the reservation. In the event that you are more than 20 minutes late, your reservation may be canceled.
▶Please note that we may not be able to accommodate requests made the day before.
▶ Menu items and prices may change without prior notice depending on availability.
▶We may contact you to confirm the details of your reservation.
▶While using the hotel's restaurants and bars, we kindly ask that guests taking photos give due consideration to the privacy and comfort of others. In the interest of ensuring the enjoyment and privacy of other guests, please understand that we may on occasion approach you regarding the use of cameras and/or other recording equipment.
▶The price includes the consumption tax
▶Please feel free to contact us If you have anyquestions. (098) 997 5111
dưới 12 tuổi
dưới 6 tuổi

Yêu cầu

▶If you have any allergies or dietary restrictions, please let us know in advance along with specific allergens and dietary restrictions (no seasonings, no extracts, etc.).
▶ If you have a small child with you, please enter the child's age, request for use of a high chair or stroller, and whether or not you wish to enter the store with a stroller. Please note that the number of high chairs and strollers is limited.

Chi tiết Khách

Mật khẩu quá ngắn (tối thiểu 8 ký tự)
Mật khẩu quá yếu
Mật khẩu Phải có ít nhất một chữ in hoa, một chữ thường, một số, và một biểu tượng.
Mật khẩu không được chứa một phần của Email.
Mật khẩu không khớp với xác nhận
Bằng cách gửi biểu mẫu này, bạn đồng ý với điều khoản và chính sách liên quan.