Đặt bàn tại Karaoke Pasela Shibuya

<Room selection>・If you have a room type preference , please select it.・If you select [No preference], we will prepare the most suitable room according to the number of people using the room. <Other information>・Room introduction page is here・FAQ Q&A is here ・More details about Belle Belle Park 36 Shibuya store here <About tobacco>・Electronic cigarettes and heated tobacco products are permitted in private rooms (some rooms are completely non-smoking). ・Please use the smoking area for cigarettes.
dưới 12 tuổi
dưới 2 tuổi

Yêu cầu

Please check the charges for the room category you selected. 《There is an additional charge for the 💰 rooms》 ★Details here★ ◆Favorite color room💰【1,000 yen extra】 ◆75 inch monitor💰【2,000 yen extra】 ◆Projector💰【3,000 yen extra】 ※Charges are per room. <Concept room satisfaction guarantee> Concept room Satisfaction Guarantee System Therefore, if you are not satisfied, we will refund the additional charge in full. *For more information on the charge and satisfaction guarantee, click here

Chi tiết Khách

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Mật khẩu không khớp với xác nhận
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