Đặt bàn tại Continental restaurant Firenze - 都ホテル岐阜長良川

▶ As a measure to prevent the spread of new coronavirus infection, our hotel gives priority to customer safety, and for the time being we refrain from buffet sales. We apologize for the inconvenience, and we appreciate your understanding and cooperation. ▶ All seats are non-smoking. Please use the smoking room in the hotel. ▶ Please note that we may not be able to meet your request regarding seat selection. ▶ If we cannot contact you after the reservation time of 30 minutes, we may be forced to cancel your reservation. If there is a significant delay, please let us know. ▶ Some seats may be available even if you cannot make a reservation by calling us. ▶ For reservations of more than 21 people, please contact us by phone directly. * WEB limited plans and benefits cannot be combined with other benefits and discounts. * Menu contents may change without notice depending on the availability of ingredients. * Prices include consumption tax and service charge (10%). * Each photo is an image.
dưới 12 tuổi
dưới 3 tuổi

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