Đặt bàn tại BBQPIT Azamino Gardens

▼ ▽ ▼ Regarding business based on the emergency declaration ▼ ▽ ▼ Due to the issuance of a declaration of an emergency associated with the spread of new coronavirus infection, we will be temporarily closed as follows. ▶ Wednesday, April 8th, 2020-For the time being (until the declaration of emergency is lifted) Due to future circumstances, we may change the content of the business, so we will send it out at any time. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation. ▼ ▽ ▼ Welcome to BBQPIT Azamino Gardens ▼ ▽ ▼ ▼ Business hours 11: 00 ~ 21: 00 * The final reception is 18:00. ▼ Please confirm the reservation , notes and cancellation policy before proceeding.・ Please select the desired date and start time to make a reservation. ▼ About your plan 1. Please select your plan.・ Hand-free PIT IN plan: a plan that includes ingredients + equipment (please refrain from bringing in ingredients etc. by customers) You can apply every 3 hours.・ Bring your own PIT IN plan ... A plan where only equipment is available. Please prepare ingredients and seasonings by yourself. You can apply for up to 3 hours per hour. 2. Choose your favorite drink plan.・ All you can drink alcohol + soft drink ・ All you can drink soft drink * The usage plans cannot be used together. * We do not accept reservations for the drink plan only. Groups over 18 people can book by phone. Reservation Center: 050-5835-0493 Please be sure to check here. User Guide Cancellation Policy
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