Забронируйте в Sushi Tokinari

[Regarding business days]
◆Business hours: 17:00-22:00
◆Closed: Tuesdays and Wednesdays

[Regarding reservations]
◆Reservations are required.
◆Please refrain from using perfumes or strong-smelling hair products.
◆Please note that we may not be able to meet your request for seat selection.
◆If you are unable to contact us within 20 minutes of your reservation time, we may have to cancel your reservation.


If you have any allergies or disliked ingredients, please write them down in detail.
Example: 1 person is not good at wasabi
Example: 1 person is allergic to shrimp and crab, extract is also NG
≪About entering card information≫
Payment including course fee and additional amount will be made on the day of your visit. If you are using a debit card or prepaid card, or if you have any questions about entering card information, please check the link below. ≪What does "You need to enter your credit card information. (Please pay at the store on the day of your visit)"≫≫

Детали о посетителе

Пароль недостаточной длины (не может быть меньше 8 символов)
Пароль слишком слабый
Пароль Должен содержать как минимум одну заглавную букву, одну строчную букву, одно число и один символ.
Пароль не должен содержать часть Эл. адрес.
Пароль не совпадает со значением поля Подтвердите пароль
Отправляя эту форму, вы соглашаетесь с соответствующие условия и политики.