Забронируйте в Cucina / Hyatt Regency Seragaki Island Okinawa

- Please note that it may not always be possible for us to meet your seating request.
- All tables in there are no smoking, including terrace area.
- For online reservations, up to eight people in a group can be accepted.
- The restaurant may be closed depending on the weather, facilities and /or equipment conditions.
- Opening hours, menus and prices may be changed without prior notice.
- Prices include tax. A 13% service charge will be added.
6 лет и младше
3 лет и младше


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For customers with food allergies:
*Please be notified that we are not able to remove all allergen to avoid food contaminations in the kitcken.
*For the safety of our customers, please enter your information details.

In the request column, please enter
① Allergic ingredients
② Degree of allergy (soup stock, extracts are allowed, etc.)
③ The name of the customer has allergies.

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