Забронируйте в Sakanoue Cafe

Для всех бронирований взимается плата за бронирование ¥ 500 с человека, которая не подлежит возврату независимо от причин отмены или ошибок.
If you specify your arrival time in advance, you will be given priority seating.
This is not a seat reservation, so there may be a slight wait time when it is busy. Thank you for your understanding.

<<Reservation rules>>
●When making a reservation for multiple people, we will try to seat you in the same seat as much as possible, but we may seat you in seats far apart.
●Reservation times are approximate. The entry time may vary. Thank you for your understanding.
●If you do not arrive at the appointed time, we may not be able to seat you. Thank you for your understanding.

<<Changes to reservation date, time, and number of people>>
We cannot accept changes to the number of people or date and time after a reservation has been made, for any reason. Please be sure to check before confirming your reservation.
If there is a change in the date, time, or number of people, we apologize for the inconvenience, but please cancel your reservation and make a new reservation.
※We cannot refund the fee for any reason.

<<Contact Information>>
If you have any questions, please contact us using the information below.
Instagram @sakanouecafe
*Priority reservations are not accepted via Instagram.
*Please note that we may not be able to respond to inquiries during business hours.


Детали о посетителе

Пароль недостаточной длины (не может быть меньше 8 символов)
Пароль слишком слабый
Пароль Должен содержать как минимум одну заглавную букву, одну строчную букву, одно число и один символ.
Пароль не должен содержать часть Эл. адрес.
Пароль не совпадает со значением поля Подтвердите пароль
Отправляя эту форму, вы соглашаетесь с соответствующие условия и политики.