Забронируйте в Fruits Sugi

●Our shop is a small shop with only two tables. Please note that you cannot specify a seat. ●Takeout reservations are only accepted by phone or in store. This reservation is a reservation site for reserving a seat and enjoying the fruit parfait in the store. ●If you do not arrive 10 minutes after the reservation time without contacting us, your reservation will be canceled as it will affect your next reservation. If you are more than 5 minutes late, please be sure to contact us by phone. (We cannot respond to inquiries via LINE, etc.) ●We serve parfaits using seasonal fruits. For details on the fruit parfaits currently being offered, please check Instagram. ●If you have any questions, please contact us by phone or official LINE. Please note that we do not accept emails or DMs. ●Please note that we cannot accommodate requests even if they are written in the request column. We cannot reserve parfaits. If you have a desired menu, please make a reservation early. ●We do not provide candles, etc., even if you visit on a birthday or anniversary. Please note that we cannot accommodate your request. ●Depending on the sales situation on the day, some parfaits may be out of stock. All parfaits will not be sold out, but if there is a parfait you would like, please make your reservation first thing in the morning. If the parfait you want is not available, cancellations cannot be made. 🔴 Peach parfaits take a little time to prepare after receiving your order. Please make sure to arrive on time on the day. For inquiries by phone: 03-3940-1805


If you have any allergies to fruits or dairy products, please fill out the details. If you have allergies to the main fruit used, your menu options will be limited, so please check in advance on Instagram, our official LINE account, or by phone to see what fruit parfaits you can eat. Please note that we cannot accept cancellations if there is nothing you can eat. Please note that if you cancel for any reason, a cancellation fee will be charged.
Adult customers must order at least one fruit parfait. (Takeout is not available.) Sharing with companions or ordering only juice is not allowed. Children under elementary school age may share with adults.

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