Please let us know the extent of all allergies for all customers who will be visiting the restaurant. In particular, if you have allergies, please fill in whether or not you can eat dashi, as the dish uses dashi. *If you do not have any allergies, please fill in "none". *If you have an anisakis allergy, garlic allergy, or dairy allergy, or if you are a vegetarian or vegan and cannot eat seafood or seafood dashi, please be sure to call the restaurant to inquire. Example) ・1 person Cannot eat raw fish or seafood. Can eat dashi. Can eat if cooked. Cannot eat blue fish. Can eat scallops. ・1 person Pregnant woman Cannot eat raw food. Please cook meat thoroughly. ・1 person Cannot eat meat. Can eat meat dashi. Can't eat dishes that use meat dashi. Can eat chicken. Can't eat beef.