Reserve em THE TABLE


[Infection prevention measures]
- We ask our customers to cooperate by disinfecting their hands with alcohol and taking their temperature when entering the store.
- We will guide customers to seats that maintain a safe distance from each other while in the store.
- We manage the health of our staff and take their temperatures every day. To ensure the safety and security of our customers and staff, we will continue to take measures to prevent infection.

[Regarding reservations]
▶Please note that we may not be able to accommodate your request for a specific seat.
▶If we are unable to contact you after 30 minutes of your reservation time, we may be forced to cancel your reservation, so please be sure to contact us if you are going to be late.
▶For reservations of 11 or more people, please contact the store directly.

Telephone inquiries: 050-3200-0481
12 anos ou abaixo
5 anos ou abaixo


If you have any allergies, please write them down.

Detalhes do Convidado

Senha é demasiado pequeno (o mínimo é de 8 caracteres)
Senha é muito fraca
Senha deve incluir pelo menos uma letra maiúscula, uma letra minúscula, um número e um símbolo.
Senha não deve conter parte de Email.
Senha não coincide com a confirmação
Ao submeter este formulário, concorda com os termos e políticas relevantes.