【To Customers Going To Reserve】
・Tables cannot be designated.
・Please contact us if you need to change or cancel your reservation. If more than 30 minutes exceed the reserved time without any contact, your reservation will be cancelled automatically.
・No smoking on premises.
*Menus and prices may change depends on situations.
*Image for illustration purpose only.
*If crowded, tables can be available for 2 hours.

【Schedule About Real Sound Viewing】
🎼Click here to check timetable👈

【Information on Access & Parking】👈

* Parking discount is not applicable for cafe use.
・Regular holidays: Tuesdays (Tuesdays which are national holidays open.)
・Address: 2F, Yamaha Ginza Building, 7-9-14, Ginza, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 104-0061
・Business hours: 11am - 6:30pm (L.O.6pm)
・Tel: 81 3 3573 3290


If you have any food allergies or special requests about food, please write down the details.
*Please answer "None" if you do not have any.

예약자 정보

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이 양식을 제출함으로써, 본인은 관련 조항 및 정책에 동의합니다.