Vegedining Akasaka 온라인 예약

Yasaiya Akasaka Store Opens for Business with Pets

Thank you very much for visiting Yasaiya Akasaka.

Due to the aging of the store and renovations accompanying the expansion of our confectionery business, the Yasaiya Roppongi store will be closed on June 30 (Sun.).
Therefore, from July 6 (Sat), the Akasaka branch will welcome customers with pets on Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays only.

Business Outline】 【Outline of Business
Pets are allowed on Saturdays, Sundays, and national holidays.
We will inform you in advance if there are any changes to the holidays.
Business hours: Lunch 12:00 - 15:00 (L.O. 15:00) Dinner 15:00 - 22:00 (L.O. 21:00)
Food: Course only *We prepare meals for dogs.

We will do our best to make everyone's stay as comfortable as possible.

We are open to customers who are not accompanied by pets, so please make a reservation or contact us for more information.

As we are a small restaurant, we would like to welcome as many customers as possible.
For this reason, we ask that you contact us directly by phone if you wish to cancel on the day of your reservation.

Please let us know the purpose of your dinner party (birthday, entertainment, etc.) and any food allergies.
12세 이하
5세 이하


Do you have any allergies or foods you don't like?

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