TsuruTonTan UDON NOODLE Brasserie SHIBUYA 온라인 예약

■Our shop is a 2-hour system.

■ We do not accept reservations (for seats only), so please be sure to select a course. In the unlikely event that there is no choice, please note that we will prepare it at [Udon Kaiseki].

■Please be sure to contact us if you arrive late. Please note that if more than 15 minutes pass without contact, we will cancel it.
Also, please note that if you are late for the reservation time, the usage time will be shortened accordingly.

■Please let us know the purpose of the dinner party (birthday, entertainment, etc.) and food allergies.

■ Reservations for 7 people or more are accepted by phone. Please feel free to call us.
12세 이하
4세 이하


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