Restaurant 「Ma Chere Mer ”Bansyo”」 /SHIMODA TOKYU HOTEL 온라인 예약

・Business hours may change during the summer, year-end and New Year holidays, and long holidays.
·The photograph is an image. The menu may change depending on the availability of ingredients.
・If you have any food allergies, please let the staff know in advance.・We refuse to serve alcohol to customers under the age of 20 or those driving a car by law.
・Prices shown include 13% service charge and 10% consumption tax.

[Cancellation fee] If you cancel your reservation, we will charge the following cancellation fee.
・Cancellation by contacting us 5 days in advance 30% of the reservation content ・Cancellation by contacting us 3 days to the day before 50% of the reservation content
・Cancellation by contacting us on the day 100% of the reservation content The contents of the reservation include food, drinks, private room charges, and contents ordered at the request of the user (arrangement of souvenirs, etc.).
Actual costs will be charged for items that have already been ordered or other arrangements have been completed. In addition, if there is a separate cancellation fee stipulation in the plan, etc., that stipulation shall take precedence.
12세 이하
2세 이하


Are you staying at our Hotel (Shimoda Tokyu Hotel)?
If you are staying at the hotel, please enter your Room Number or Reservation Number .
Are you a Comfort members? Please enter Comfort members Number.
Please inform us of any allergies or special preferences you may have.
Please note that we may not be able to accommodate requests made on the day of your reservation.
※Please note that it may be difficult to accommodate reservations in the case of extensive allergies or food items you have a dislike of.

 For example, one person is allergic to shrimp, and no extract.
   (e.g., one person allergic to onions, but can eat onions if heated, etc.)
   ※If you do not have any, please select "None".

예약자 정보

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