Bakery Shop - 名古屋東急ホテル 온라인 예약

◆Depending on the spread of COVID-19, business hours, bread and cake contents, and how they are served may change. Thank you for your understanding.
◆In order to provide customers with peace of mind and safety, we have installed disinfectant alcohol in various places in the store and are disinfecting the store.
◆Large-scale reservations are accepted by phone. Please contact the number on the right. (TEL: 052-251-3795)
◆Cake designs may be subject to change.
◆Please be sure to consume dishes and fresh sweets on the same day you purchase them.
◆Due to stock availability, the origin and menu contents may change.
◆We only handle take-out products. Please note that we cannot deliver.
◆When making a reservation, select "1" for the number of people and enter the desired number of items.


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