Sushi Tsugu 온라인 예약

▶︎We are not yet accepting reservations for 2025. We will announce the reservation start date on Instagram.

▶︎Private rooms can be reserved for 3 adults or more. Please note that even if there are 2 adults and 1 child, the course fee for 3 people will be charged.

▶︎Cancellation from 2 days before will incur a 100% cancellation fee (course fee x number of people).

▶︎If we are unable to contact you 15 minutes after the reservation time, we may cancel your reservation.

▶︎Our restaurant has a 2-hour system.

▶︎When using the counter, children must be junior high school students or older and able to eat one portion.

▶︎If you have any allergies or dislikes, please fill in the questions box at the bottom.

▶︎Children can use the private rooms only.

Phone number: 045-225-9117


If you have any ingredients that you dislike or are allergic to, please write them down.

예약자 정보

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