Sushi Kawashima 온라인 예약

︎Please make reservations through this Table Check. *If you would like a private room, please fill in the request column. (We only accept one group per day.) This is the reservation page for Sushi Kawashima takeout only. Please make reservations for Kakiha Sushi HANAYA here. Service charge: 10% (varies from 8% to 15% depending on purchase price, etc.) ▶If you are coming by car, there are 5 parking spaces in front of the store. *Please contact the store if the parking lot is full. ▶Please enter the store at the reservation time. We do not allow early entry. ▶If we are unable to contact you within 30 minutes of the reservation time, your reservation will be canceled, so please be sure to contact us if you are late. *If anyone other than the person who made the reservation comes to the store, we will not allow you to enter, so please come to the store in person. ▶Please note that we may not be able to accommodate your request for seating. ▶If you have children under junior high school age, please let us know when making a reservation. ▶ Children are now allowed, but table chairs are not allowed at the cypress counter. ▶︎ Please note that the course price will not change even if you eat a small amount.


In order to prevent damage to the cypress counter, such as dents from falling mobile phones, scratches on wristwatches and precious metals, etc., please be considerate.

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