Sushi Kadan 온라인 예약

This is a reservation site for meals only. If you wish to stay overnight, please clickhere .

*Sushi Kadan is located on the second floor of the former Kan'in Palace Villa. Please note that as this is a historical building, there are no elevators or other facilities. *Dress code: Please refrain from wearing casual attire such as shorts or sandals. *Bringing alcohol is not permitted. *Please refrain from wearing strong scents such as perfume or cologne. Please be sure to inform your companions. *Please remove any accessories such as watches and accessories to prevent scratches and damage to the counter. *Leaving your seat to smoke is not permitted. *We will accommodate allergies, but please note that we cannot accommodate foods that you do not like. Please also note that we cannot accommodate a wide range of allergies. *The restaurant will start at the same time as the reservation time. If you are late or leave the restaurant early, we may not be able to serve you part of the course, so please arrive early.


Please kindly advise in advance the ingrednt if you have kind of biological allergy

예약자 정보

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이 양식을 제출함으로써, 본인은 관련 조항 및 정책에 동의합니다.