【To Customers Going To Reserve】

▶Reception hours (tel): 2pm - 10pm
▶If you have any food allergies or special requests about food, please write down the details on REQUESTS below.

▶Business hours: 5pm - 11pm (Last entry time: 9pm)
▶Time for last order: [Food] 10pm, [Drink] 10:30pm
▶Regular holidays: Sundays, Mondays, also irregular holidays.
▶Tables cannot be designated.
▶If you would like to make a reservation for 6 people or above, or chartered use, please contact us at restaurant or by phone.
▶20,000JPY for 2 hours (10,000JPY per hour of extension) as private room fee will be charged separately.
▶Online reservation can be made until 5pm of the day you are going to visit. After 5pm, please contact us by phone.
▶No smoking on premises.
▶Menus and prices may change depending on situations.
▶If crowded, tables can be available for 2 hours.

▶Please contact us if you need to change or cancel your reservation. If more than 30 minutes exceed the reserved time without any contact, your reservation will be cancelled automatically.

▶About sofa-seat use, 1,000JPY as cover charge will be charged separately.

☏: 81 3 5990 4995


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