The Grill - Sheraton Okinawa Sunmarina Resort 온라인 예약

▶Please check the notes and information below before proceeding to the reservation page. 1-About seating preferences Please note that we may not be able to accommodate your request depending on the reservation status on the day. We will keep your request as a request. 2-About new restaurant reservations Reservations for limited quantity menus and course menus can be made from 35 days in advance. Please note that you will not be able to proceed to the reservation screen until that time. 3-About the number of people making reservations for The Grill The maximum number of people is 9. For parties of more than 9, we will guide you to another restaurant, so please understand. 4-About private reservations for The Grill This restaurant is also used as a dining venue exclusively for group guests. Please note that the regular restaurant menu will not be served on private days. 6-About allergy measures at our resort We do our best to accommodate guests with food allergies so that they can enjoy their meals, and we will propose a menu according to your request. However, please note that the dishes we provide are not completely allergy-free. After listening to your request, depending on the content, it may be difficult to accommodate. In addition, it may be difficult to accommodate requests on the day. Please note. For those with food allergies ☎ Restaurant reservations ☎ TEL: 098-965-2222 (Automatic voice response system) 10:00 AM-6:00 PM *May vary depending on the season
12세 이하
5세 이하


Will you be staying at our resort on the day?
If you are staying overnight, please write the name of the representative guest in hiragana.

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