Yakinikutei Rokkasen West Exit OoGade Branch 온라인 예약

Rokkasen West Exit O-Guard store will reopen on December 5, 2024. If you are unable to make a reservation at the O-Guard store, you can make a reservation at two nearby stores. For the month of December 2024 only, all all-you-can-eat tiger pufferfish will be included. In addition, all-you-can-eat domestic Hokkaido abalone will be included with any order of Tsuki-no-Utage or above. All-you-can-eat Tsuki no Utage (Tsuki no Utage MIX) and above includes all-you-can-eat boiled crab and lobster. <Cancellation Policy> If you cancel up to 12 hours in advance, there will be no cancellation fee. If you cancel after that, we will charge you a cancellation fee of 50% of the plan price. <Children's rates for all-you-can-eat courses> ■Children aged 13 and over are charged the adult rate. ■Children aged 7-12 are charged half the adult rate. ■Children aged 4-6 are charged 1,650 yen (tax included) per person. ■Children aged 3 and under are free.
12세 이하
3세 이하


Please inform us of the number of children under 3 years old.

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