Ristorante Hiro Aoyama 온라인 예약

[Regarding reservations] ■ Consumption tax will be charged separately. ■ We apologize for the inconvenience, but we only accept reservations from junior high school students and above. [Regarding cancellations] ■ In the event of cancellation on the day, 100% of the meal price will be charged. Thank you for your continued patronage of Ristorante Hiro. The Ristorante Hiro Group will continue to operate while adhering to guidelines such as disinfection, temperature checks, ample seating spacing, and the installation of partitions to prevent splashes. We appreciate your understanding. Ristorante Hiro Co., Ltd.


If you have any allergies or foods you dislike, please write them down. If you have no allergies, please write "none."

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