Rigoletto Bar and Grill (Roppongi) 온라인 예약

Official reservation site "The HUGE CLUB" app released! Search for "HUGE CLUB" on [AppStore] [GooglePlay]! ▼Click here to download the app▼

Monday-Thursday 11:00--23:00 (Lunch last order 14:30)
*Last order 22:00

Friday 11:00--25:00 (Lunch last order 14:30)
*Last order 24:00

Saturday 11:00--25:00
*Last order 24:00

Sunday 11:00--23:00
*Last order 22:00

*Reservations during lunchtime (11:00-16:59) will be limited to 2 hours from the reservation time all day, regardless of the number of people.

*For those with preschool children, we have limited seats available from 11:00 to 17:00 all day. Please note that we cannot accept reservations after 17:00.

*For dinner reservations, for groups of 5 or more on weekdays, and for reservations on Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays, holidays, and the day before holidays, we will limit the waiting time to 2 hours and 20 minutes from the reservation time, regardless of the number of people.

*During the period from November 18th (Monday) to December 31st (Tuesday), we will charge you a time system for all days and hours.

*Please note that we may not be able to accommodate your request for a specific seat.

*If you request a private room, we will charge you a minimum guarantee fee. (Dinner: 40,000 yen)

*A table charge of 440 yen per person will be charged for customers who visit after 5:00 p.m. on weekdays and after 3:00 p.m. on Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays.

*We have limited the number of seats where you can bring in a stroller. (We will leave it at the store entrance.) *Please refrain from bringing in homemade bento boxes or rice balls. (If you are bringing in baby food, please bring commercially available baby food.)
12세 이하
6세 이하


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