Restaurant UKIYO 온라인 예약

Thank you for visiting Restaurant UKIYO 's online reservation page. We look forward to your reservation.
▶Please note that we may not be able to accommodate your request for seating.

▶If we are unable to contact you after the reservation time, we may have to cancel your reservation, so please be sure to contact us if you are late.

▶For reservations of 5 or more people, please contact the restaurant directly.

▶For children, dinner is for those 6 years old or older who can eat the same course as adults, and at lunchtime, small children are also welcome.

▶Please let us know about allergy-related ingredients by the day before. Changes may not be possible on the day.

▶Cancellation will incur a cancellation fee. Cancellation the day before: 50% of the course fee Cancellation on the day: 100% of the course fee Basically, cancellation fees will be charged for any reason. In addition, if the number of people decreases, a cancellation fee will be charged for the number of people who have decreased.

Phone inquiries: 03-6407-0170 Email inquiries:


If you have any food allergies, please include your companions as well.
*If there is nothing in particular, please write "none".
Example) Crab (soup is also NG) 1 person

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