RACINES 온라인 예약

◆Please let us know the purpose of the meal (birthday, entertainment, etc.) ◆Please let us know if you have any food allergies, etc. ◆Please note that we may not be able to accommodate your request for seat reservations ◆For parties of 19 or more Reservations can be made by phone ◆Customers who make reservations for dinner time are asked to order at least one drink per person and at least one item from the food menu.About allergies. All meals served are prepared by the same kitchen. Therefore, allergens may not be completely removed and some may remain. In addition, allergens may not be completely removed from tableware such as spoons and plates during the cleaning process and may remain. Therefore, please note that the meals proposed at RACINES are not completely free of allergens, even if you have notified us in advance, but are only low-allergen meals. We do not guarantee that your meals will not cause allergic symptoms. Please check the above information and make your own final decision. If your symptoms are serious, we may refuse your request as our priority is your safety. For inquiries by phone: 03-5544-9196
12세 이하
5세 이하


If you have any food allergies, please let us know. If not, please write "None".
◆If you need a dessert plate for a birthday or anniversary, please let us know.
If necessary, please write your message and name◆+1,500 yen will be provided

Ex) Happy Birthday 〇〇. Happy Wedding 〇〇&〇〇. 1st Anniversary〇〇&〇〇. *Up to 20 characters

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