Room service - KOBE PORTOPIA HOTEL 온라인 예약

An online reservation can be made from 7 days before.
●Breakfast 7:00~11:00 ≫≫ Click here
●Lunch 11:00~17:00 ●Dinner 17:00~21:00 ●Night 21:00 00~23:00 ≫≫ Click [here]
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Please specify the delivery date and time and the number of people to eat.
Delivery time may vary slightly.
*Please note that you may have to wait 40-50 minutes during busy times.
▶If you are staying at our hotel , please enter your room number.
▶Please call us if you have any allergies or other requests.
*The photo is for illustrative purposes only.


예약자 정보

이 양식을 제출함으로써, 본인은 관련 조항 및 정책에 동의합니다.