Radii Restaurant & Bar - Park Hyatt Melbourne 온라인 예약

Dear valued guest,

Greetings from radii restaurant & bar.

Warm and welcoming, discover the culinary delights at radii restaurant & bar, where ocean fare meets woodfire-grilled steaks for a unique dining experience. Enjoy our sophisticated lounge, where artisan cocktails and signature martinis pair with gourmet small plates. Also, experience our refined afternoon tea, featuring premium teas and assorted delicacies for a perfect afternoon.

Dinner reservations are currently available at radii restaurant:
Tuesday to Thursday 6:00pm to 9:00pm
Friday & Saturday 6:00pm to 10:00pm
Please contact our team for a reservation of 10 or more people at phmelbourne.radii@hyatt.com

Please note, our menus are dynamic and may evolve to reflect the freshest ingredients and culinary innovation, thus subject to change without prior notification.

An additional surcharge is applicable on Sundays (10%) and public holidays (15%).

If you encounter any issues such as reservations are not available at your requested time and/or number of persons, please contact us by email at phmelbourne.radii@hyatt.com or by phone on+61 3 92241211

Valet parking is available at a discounted rate of $35 per vehicle for the duration of dining experience.
12세 이하
3세 이하


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