Nishiogikubo Oyster Bar Wharf 온라인 예약

Business hours [Monday-Thursday] 17:00-25:00 (Last order for food and drinks: 24:30) [Fridays and the day before holidays] 17:00-27:00 (Last order for food and drinks: 26:30) [Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays] 12:00-27:00 (Food and drink last orders 26:30) [Important] Allergy support ▶We give top priority to the safety of our customers, so we do not respond to allergies. All menus are in one kitchen. We are cooking in, and there is a possibility that allergen substances will be mixed in by adhering to tableware and cooking utensils, etc., so we cannot respond. If you would like to change your meal after acknowledging this, please contact us by phone in advance.
12세 이하
5세 이하


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