Tsubaki - ホテルオークラ新潟 온라인 예약

~To ensure you can enjoy the buffet with peace of mind~ We provide alcohol disinfectant and vinyl gloves. Please feel free to use them. == ... ◆Depending on the availability of ingredients, the origin of the ingredients and the menu may change. ◆We use Koshihikari rice from Niigata Prefecture. Restaurant inquiry phone number: 025-224-6167 (direct) Reception hours: 7:00-18:00 ****************************************************************************** ▶Cancellation policy・For cancellations on the day of use, reductions in the number of people, and cancellations without permission on the day of use, a cancellation fee equivalent to 50% of the reservation plan fee will be charged. *The above may differ for some plans. ▶ Restaurant Terms of Use<a href="https://www.okura-niigata.co.jp/11637/"></a> Here ******************************************************************************
12세 이하
5세 이하



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