Japanese Restaurant Sisam - Hilton Niseko Village 온라인 예약

▶Please inform us your reservation name or confirmation number if you are hotel guest of Hilton Niseko Village.
▶Please inform us of the purpose of the dinner party (birthday, entertainment etc.) and food allergy.

▶Reservation of hotel guests is prioritized during the winter season. Please note that reservations for those who are not staying are available from one month before the desired date of use.

Cancellation Policies>>

※Price inclusive of taxes and service charge.
※We will send you a reservation confirmation via LINE notification.

※ We serve Sisam, Japanese restaurant's menu at Melt Bar & Grill during the period Sisam is close.
Click here to check the menu>>

<Hilton Honors Member Benefits Blackout Dates>
12세 이하
6세 이하


Will you staying with us at Hilton Niseko Viilage on that day?
If you will stay at Hilton Niseko Village, please enter your name or reservation number of the accommodation reservation.
If you are allergic to food please fill in the request column.
If you are a member of Hilton Honors, please let us know your member's stauts and number (9-10 digit).
If not, please input as N/A.
(Example) Gold 123456789

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