International Cuisine TRADER VIC'S TOKYO / Hotel New Otani(Tokyo) 온라인 예약


※ Closed on Mon (excl holidays)

Lunch (weekdays)
11:30am - last entry 2:30pm
Lunch buffet (weekends & holidays)
11:30am - 3:00pm, last entry 2:30pm *A 2-hour limit applies.

  5:00pm - 10:00pm (last orders 8:30pm)

  11:30am - 10:00pm (last orders 9:00pm for food, 9:30pm for beverages)
weekends & holidays
  4:30pm - 10:00pm (last orders 9:00pm for food, 9:30pm for beverages)

*A 100% cancellation charge applies for any no-shows.
*Your reservation may be cancelled if you do not arrive 30 minutes after your reserved time without any notice.
*Guests must be 4 years or older (except for lunch hours on Sat, Sun, and holidays).
*Private rooms available for parties.
*Prices are subject to change during certain holiday periods and special events.
*For any questions or requests that require replies, or reservations for groups of 6 or more people, please contact the venue directly.
(+81) 03-3265-4707
*Dress code :Smart casual
12세 이하
3세 이하


예약자 정보

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