Garden Restaurant Teppan-yaki・SEKISHIN-TEI・SEISEN-TEI・MOMIJI-TEI / Hotel New Otani(Tokyo) 온라인 예약

▶About operating hours
Lunch: 1 hour and 30 minutes from the reservation time
Dinner: 2 hours from the reservation time
Please note that this will be the time of your original reservation, not your arrival time.
We appreciate your understanding so that more customers can use our service.
In addition, you can enjoy dessert at Shogetsutei.

▶ Please include any accompanying infants in the number of persons.
▶ Please note that we may not be able to accommodate all table preferences.
▶ Please let us know 3 days or more in advance if you would like to arrange for flowers, cakes, etc. through the restaurant.
▶ Please inform us of any allergies or restrictions beforehand. (+81) 03-3238-0024

Reservations for Momiji-tei and Sekishin-tei are available by phone only.(+81) 03-3238-0024

cancellation policy
If you cancel on the same day of your reservation or are 30 minutes late from your reservation time.
Course or plan fee 100%
Reservation for seats only Lunch: ¥10,000, Dinner ¥23,500 for the number of people

<Dress code>No jeans, T-shirts or sandals.

* Menu lineup, special offers, and prices are subject to change without prior notice.
* Service charge will be added to your bill.
12세 이하
6세 이하


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