Main bar "Fontana di Trevi" - Nagoya Tokyu Hotel 온라인 예약

Notice from the restaurant: *Online reservations can be made for up to 8 people up to 3 months in advance. *If you wish to reserve a counter seat, please call us directly. *Counter seats can be reserved for up to 2 people. *For parties of 9 or more, please call us directly as there are limited table seats. *All seats are non-smoking. We do not accept seat reservations. Thank you for your understanding. *Please inform us of any food allergies. (If you have an allergy, we may contact you to confirm the details.) *If you are more than 30 minutes late from the reservation time, your reservation may be automatically canceled if we do not hear from you. *We do not accept reservations by people under the age of 20, or men wearing sleeveless tops, shorts, or sandals. ■Business hours: 17:00-23:00 (LO 22:30) Closed on Sundays. Open until 23:30 (LO 23:00) every Friday and Saturday. Telephone inquiries: 052-251-6554


If you have any allergies, please write them down.

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