Lugdunum Bouchon Lyonnais 온라인 예약

<Réservations> For reservations and inquiries, please contact us below. EMAIL: TEL/FAX: 03-6426-1201 *Reception hours: 9:30am-11:00pm (excluding public holidays) *For information on access, opening hours, etc., please see the Information page. ●Children over 6 years old enjoy the same course as adults. ●If you have a special lunch or dinner (birthday, corporate event, etc.), or if you have any allergies or intolerances, please let us know. ●We also offer festive dessert plates for birthdays. ●If you are booking for a group (7 people or more), we ask that you choose the Omakase course or choose your meal in advance. When making a reservation or request, our staff will be happy to explain this to you. Thank you for your understanding.<Politique d'annulation> If you cancel on the same day, we will charge a cancellation fee. Course you booked x number of people booking x 10% service fee x consumption tax Also, for group bookings (from 4 people) On the day of booking: 100% of the course fee booked x number of people booking x 10% service fee x consumption tax From 72 hours before booking: 50% of the course fee booked x number of people x 10% service fee x consumption tax Thank you for your understanding.


Please let us know if you have any ingredients that you dislike or are allergic to.

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