Hilton Tokyo Odaiba 온라인 예약

*Reservations for "Seascape Sweets & Coffee" are for takeaway only. ▶If you have any food allergies, please write it in the request field. ▶Pre-orders for products can be made online. ▶As this is a pre-paid plan, refunds will not be made once payment is complete. ▶Reservation acceptance periods vary for each product, so please check the product details. *Menus, promotional content, prices, and business hours may change. *Photos are for illustrative purposes only. Menu contents may also change depending on the availability of ingredients. [Cancellation policy] *Refunds will not be made once payment is complete. *When making a reservation for "Seascape Sweets & Coffee", please select the time you can come to pick up your order during the following times.


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